Natural Hazards Center Research Affiliates

There are many scholars across various departments and colleges at the University of Colorado who conduct research and teach in the areas of hazards, disasters, climate change, and risk analysis. This page includes a listing of faculty and graduate students who are affiliates of the Natural Hazards Center.

Faculty Research Affiliates

Kenneth Anderson

Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Hannah Brenkert-Smith

Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Guofeng Cao

Department of Geography
University of Colorado Boulder

Amanda Carrico

Department of Environmental Studies
University of Colorado Boulder

Ross Corotis

College of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Deserai Crow

School of Public Affairs
University of Colorado Denver

Shideh Dashti

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

Emmanuel David

Department of Women and Gender Studies
University of Colorado Boulder

Joel Hartter

Department of Environmental Studies
University of Colorado Boulder

Jerry Jacka

Department of Anthropology
University of Colorado Boulder

Jody Jahn

Department of Communication
University of Colorado Boulder

Amy Javernick-Will

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

Brian Keegan

Department of Information Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Stefan Leyk

Department of Geography
University of Colorado Boulder

Abbie Liel

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

Terry McCabe

Department of Anthropology
University of Colorado Boulder

Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey

Environmental Studies
Texas A&M University

Leysia Palen

Department of Information Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Colleen Reid

Department of Geography
University of Colorado Boulder

Kathleen Tierney

Department of Sociology and Natural Hazards Center
University of Colorado Boulder

Graduate Student Research Affiliates

Melissa Bica

Computer Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Jonathan Cohen

Department of Political Science
University of Colorado Boulder

Theresa Edwards-Capen

Department of Sociology
University of Colorado Boulder

Noah Gershon

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

Molly Hamm-Rodríguez

School of Education
University of Colorado Bouder