Part 2: Injuries

Part 3: Mental Traumas

Data Sheet for Part 1
Data Sheet for Part 2
Data Sheet for Part 3


Lives and Injuries

Information for this section can be obtained from regional hospitals (Avista, Boulder Community Hospital,Centennial Peaks Hospital, Longmont United Hospital, Mapleton Center and North Colorado Medical Center). Additional information can be obtained from Boulder County Social Services and the Boulder Branch of the American Red Cross. See Contact List for addresses and phone numbers.

Part 1: Deaths (see interview sheet #A1)

Using the attached interview sheet, collect the following data for deaths which occurred during the Boulder flood. More than one answer may be given if several choices apply.

  1. Victim's name
  2. Victim's age
  3. Victim's sex
  4. Time of death
  5. Cause of death (choose from the following, using the appropriate letters):
    a - drowning
    b - struck hard object (bludgeoned)
    c - loss of limb (leading to loss of blood)
    d - severe cuts or scraping (loss of blood)
    e - heart attack
    f - seizure
    g - severe trauma-induced shock
    h - other (describe):
  6. Location at time of death. Use victim number to identify the location on the attached map and choose from the following, giving the letter plus either N or S to indicate north or south of Arapahoe. [Example: body found at City Hall would be classified cN since it is located North of Arapahoe, between 9th and Broadway.]
    a - West of 6th Street
    b - Between 6th & 9th Streets
    c - Between 9th & Broadway
    d - Between Broadway & 15th Street
    e - Between 15th & 18th Streets
    f - Between 18th & 21st Streets
    g - Between 21st & Folsom Streets
    h - Between Folsom & 28th Streets
    i - Between 28th & 30th Streets
    j - Between 30th & Foothills Pkwy
  7. Activity at time of death. Choose from the following:
    a - Driving car (civilian)
    b - Driving warning vehicle
    c - Riding bicycle
    d - Walking
    e - In home (asleep)
    f - In home (not asleep)
    g - Crossing bridge
    h - Outside of home (watching weather, flood, etc.)
    i - Turning off electricity or gas
    j - Other (describe):
  8. Was the victim physically or mentally disabled?
    a- Physically disabled (describe)
    b- Mentally disabled

When writing your summary report, keep the following questions in mind (using the data collected above):

- How many deaths were caused by the flood (total number)? How many of these were a direct result of flooding (e.g., physical injuries sustained during flooding)? How many of these resulted indirectly from the flood (e.g., trauma induced shock)?

- What were the most common causes of death?

- Where in Boulder did most deaths occur (spatial distribution)?

- At what time during the flood did most deaths occur?

- What were the characterizing demographics of people who died?

In addition, based on your observations, comment on the following:

- How soon were flood victims accounted for, how was this done and by whom?

- How were victims' family members notified of deaths?




Part 2: Injuries (see interview sheet #A2)

Using the attached interview sheet, collect the following data for injuries which occurred during the Boulder flood. More than one answer may be given if several choices apply.

  1. Victim's name
  2. Victim's age
  3. Victim's sex
  4. Time of injury
  5. Type of injury (choose from the following, using the appropriate letter):
    a- Cut or scrape
    b- Broken limb
    c- Head injury
    d- Electrical shock or burn
    e- Hypothermia
    f- Other (describe):
  6. Cause of injury (choose from the following, using the appropriate letter):
    a- swept against hard object by force of flood waters
    b- struck by a hard object while trying to escape flood
    c- vehicle accident
    d- fighting
    e- electrical wires in contact with water
    f- other (describe):
  7. Location at time of injury. Use injury number to identify the location on the attached map and choose from the following, giving the letter plus either N or S to indicate north or south of Arapahoe. [Example: Injured at City Hall would be classified cN since it is located North of Arapahoe, between 9th and Broadway.]
    a - West of 6th Street
    b - Between 6th & 9th Streets
    c - Between 9th & Broadway
    d - Between Broadway & 15th Street
    e - Between 15th & 18th Streets
    f - Between 18th & 21st Streets
    g - Between 21st & Folsom Streets
    h - Between Folsom & 28th Streets
    i - Between 28th & 30th Streets
    j - Between 30th & Foothills Pkwy
  8. Activity at time of injury. Choose from the following:
    a- Driving car (civilian)
    b- Driving warning vehicle
    c- Riding bicycle
    d- Walking
    e- In home (asleep)
    f- In home (not asleep)
    g- Crossing bridge
    h- Outside of home (watching weather, flood, etc.)
    i- Turning off electricity or gas
    j- Other (describe):
  9. Was the victim physically or mentally disabled?
    a- Physically disabled (describe)
    b- Mentally disabled

When writing your summary report, keep the following questions in mind (using the data collected above):

- How many injuries were caused directly and indirectly by the flood (total number, direct & indirect)?

- What were the most common causes of injury?

- What were the most common types of injury?

- Where in Boulder did most injuries occur (spatial distribution)?

- At what time during the flood did most injuries occur?

- What were the characterizing demographics of people who were injured?

In addition, consider the following questions:

- How did government agencies provide relief for injured citizens?

- How effective were relief efforts? For example, was notification of where to go for treatment clear? Were local medical centers well-prepared? Was there a general state of confusion or calm?



Part 3: Mental trauma cases (see interview sheet #A3)

Using the attached interview sheet, collect the following data for mental trauma cases attributed to the Boulder flood. More than one answer may be given if several choices apply.

  1. Victim's name
  2. Victim's age
  3. Victim's sex
  4. Victim's occupation. Choose from the following:
    a- emergency relief (police, ambulance, medical, etc.)
    b- non-profit sector personnel (not emergency relief)
    c- government (give level - fed, state, local - and job description)
    d- commercial professional
    e- service industry
    f- medical & allied health (not emergency)
    g- student
    h- unemployed adult
    i- unemployed youth or child
    j- other
  5. Symptoms of trauma. Choose from the following (more than one may apply):
    a- restlessness
    b- irritability
    c- excessive fatigue
    d- sleep disturbance
    e- startle reactions
    f- anxiety
    g- depression
    h- moodiness
    i- difficulty concentrating
    j- nightmares
    k- vomiting
    l- diarrhea
    m- suspiciousness
    n- loss of appetite
    o- change in expression of emotions
    p- flashbacks or intrusive memories
    q- interpersonal sensitivity
    r- other (describe)
  6. Cause of trauma. Choose from the following:
    a- personal injury
    b- injury or death of family member
    c- injury or death of friend
    d- loss of pet
    e- loss of home or property
    f- involvement in emergency services on site
    (e.g., EMT, police, fire, etc.)
    g- involvement in emergency support
    (e.g., hospital personnel, emergency relief coordinators, dispatchers, etc.)
    h- involvement in infrastructure
    (e.g., policymakers, public works personnel)
    i- other (describe)
  7. Where was this mental trauma victim first treated?
  8. What type of initial treatment for trauma was given?
  9. Did this individual receive subsequent treatment? If yes, where?
  10. What type of subsequent treatment for mental trauma was given?

When writing your summary report, keep the following questions in mind (using the data collected above):

- How many cases of mental trauma were attributed to direct experience with the flood? How many cases resulted indirectly from the flood?