Estimated cost of research and production

(August, 1994)

Four graduate students @ $12/hour/40 hours each $" 1920.00
Film" processing (negatives + PMT half-tones)
(slide film: 2 rolls @ $16.00, 10 PMTs @ $ 10.00)
$" 135.00
Printing" costs for 1000 pamphlets $" 2725.00
Postage" for pamphlet distribution
(230 paper copies)
$" 250.00
Total" Estimated Cost:
(1994 figures)
$" 5030.00

Note:" The calculations above assume 1994 values and gratis contribution of coordinator's time and services.

" Postage rates for both bookrate and first-class mail in June 1994 were as follows:

Book" rate: $" 1.05 for 4 to 6 oz.
First" class: $" 0.89 for 4 oz.
" $ 1.21 for 5 oz.
" $ 1.44 for 6oz.

Note:If" the pamphlet + packaging together weigh 4 oz. or less, first class costs less than book rate.