10. Civic Center Flood Issues folder

 10.1 Editorial. "Civic center plan washed up" in The Daily Camera. 19 September 1993, p. 2E. RE: Proposed Civic Center Plaza.
 10.2 Myers, Mary Fran. Report on Civic Park Meeting. 20 May 1994. RE: Ray Kramer presentation of Civic Park "vision", Civic Center folder.
 10.3 Kramer, Ray (Boulder Community Development Division). Civic Center Master Plan. 3 December 1993. RE: Civic Center Task Force Agenda, Civic Center Master Plan, Civic Center folder.
 10.4 White, Gilbert F. Letter of Dissent from the Civic Center Task Force Recommendation; to Tim Honey (City Manager). 9 December 1993. RE: Dissent from Civic Center Task Force recommendation by Gilbert F. White and Crystal Gray, Civic Center folder.
 10.5 PLAN Boulder County. Letter to Boulder City Council. 20 December 1992. RE: Text of statement on the Civic Center Master Plan delivered at public hearing on 15 December 1992, Civic Center folder.
 10.6 City Manager's Office (Tim Honey). City Council Agenda Item. 15 December 1992. RE: Civic Center Master Plan; Request for adoption and authorization to proceed with planning and design, Civic Center folder.
 10.7 Love and Associates. Civic Center Risk Analysis: Boulder Creek Floodplain - 9th to 17th Streets. 2 October 1992. RE: Boulder Creek floodplain risk analysis, Civic Center folder.
 10.8 Hoover, C. Rusnock. "Council Alters Civic Center Plan" in The Daily Camera. 15 September 1993. RE: City Council reevaluation of Civic Center plan, Civic Center folder. 
 10.9 Myers, Mary Fran. Memo to Gilbert F. White. 27 August 1993. RE: City Council study session; "critical facilities"; communication with French Wetmore, Larry Larson, Bill Lord, Civic Center folder.
 10.10 White, Gilbert F. Fax to Benita Duran (City Manager's Office). 27 August 1993. RE: City Council study session on flood issues, Civic Center folder.
 10.11 Honey, Tim (City Manager). Memo to parties interested in floodplain development. 20 August 1993. RE: City Council study session on flood issues, Civic Center folder.
 10.12 Lord, William. Letter to Tim Honey (City Manager). 13 August 1993. RE: Concern about proposed civic center, Civic Center folder.
 10.13 Cornett, Linda. "Creek project debated". 5 August 93. RE: PLAN-Boulder County civic center debate, Civic Center folder.
 10.14 Civic Center Task Force. "Civic Center Task Force Recommendation - DRAFT". (no date given). RE: Draft of the Civic Center Task Force Recommendation, Civic Center folder.
 10.15 White, Gilbert F. Draft Council resolution for Ray Kramer. 8 December 1992. RE: Gilbert White's suggested draft resolution by city council on new construction of public structures in the Boulder Creek floodplain, Civic Center folder.
 10.16 Cosper, Doug. "Council backs civic center idea" in The Daily Camera. 6 January 1993. RE: City Council approval of civic center concept; concerns about flooding, Civic Center folder.
 10.17 City Manager's Office. City Council agenda item. 5 January 1993. RE: Adoption of Civic Center Plan; authorization to proceed with planning, Civic Center folder.
 10.18 City Council. Meeting Agenda. 5 January 1993. RE: City Council meeting agenda; 5 January 1993, Civic Center folder.
 10.19 PLAN Boulder County. Monthly Meeting Program. 4 August 1993. RE: Civic Center Master Plan; DeGroot, Honey, McCabe, Stern, White, discussants, Civic Center folder.
 10.20 White, Gilbert F. Letter to Michael Segrest (Asst. City Manager). 30 July 1993. RE: Information presented to City Council on the Civic Center Master Plan, Civic Center folder.
 10.21 Gabel, Sharon. "Revised Deficiencies in the Presentation of Flood Hazards to the Boulder City Council". July 1993. RE: Information presented to City Council on the Civic Center Master Plan, Civic Center folder.
 10.22 Cornett, Linda. "Civic buildings in floodplain topic of meeting tonight". 4 August 1993. RE: PLAN-Boulder County flood meeting, Civic Center folder.
 10.23 White, Gilbert F. Original materials for transparencies presented at PLAN-Boulder County Flood Meeting. August, 1993. RE: PLAN-Boulder County flood meeting, Civic Center folder.
 10.24 Gabel, Sharon. "Questions for David Love". 3 August 1993. RE: Love Assoc. risk analysis; questions on contents, Civic Center folder.
 10.25 Segrest, Michael. Letter to Gilbert F. White. (no date given). RE: G.F. White letter of 28 May 1992 to Tim Honey (City Manager); deficiencies in information provided to City Council regarding the Civic Center Master Plan, Civic Center folder.
 10.26 Gabel, Sharon. "Opinion for PLAN-Boulder County Meeting". August 1993. RE: Evaluation of Love Risk Analysis, Taylor memo and Civic Center Plan for PLAN-Boulder County meeting, Civic Center folder.
 10.27 Taylor, Alan (City Engineer). Memo to Tim Honey. 24 October 1992. RE: Civic Center - Boulder Creek Floodplain Risk Analysis, Civic Center folder.
 10.28 White, Gilbert F. Letter to Harold Higgins (Publisher, The Daily Camera). 5 August 1993. RE: Relevance of H. Higgins experience in the Rapid City Flood to Civic Center location discussion, Civic Center folder.
 10.29 Kramer, Ray. Memo to City Council members. 18 August 1992. RE: Boulder Creek flood hazard analysis relevant to Civic Center Master Plan, Civic Center folder.
 10.30 White, Gilbert F. Memo to Civic Center Task Force, Community Development Division (Boulder). 28 April 1992. RE: Floodplain risk assessment, Civic Center folder.
 10.31 White, Gilbert F. "Boulder Civic Center Task Force Interim Report". 28 September 1992. RE: Flood hazard and the proposed Civic Center, Civic Center folder.
 10.32 White, Gilbert F. and Mary Fran Myers. Letter to David Love. 7 October 1992. RE: Comments on the Civic Center Risk Analysis, Civic Center folder.
 10.33 Gabel, Sharon. "Summary of Civic Center Design Workshop". 12 July 1993. RE: Civic Center design workshop hosted by the Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB) and the Boulder Community Development Division, Civic Center folder.
 10.34 Kramer, Ray (Community Development Division). Memo. 22 June 1993. RE: Downtown Design Advisory Board hosts Civic Center design workshop, Civic Center folder.
 10.35 White, Gilbert F. Presentation materials. July 1993. RE: Civic Center presentation materials, Civic Center folder.
 10.36 Draft Framework Concept for the Downtown Boulder Plan. March 1991. RE: Boulder Civic Park concept, Civic Center folder.
 10.37 Interplan and Hyatt Raines Vitek. "Boulder Civic Center Master Plan: Interim Report". 17 September 1992. RE: Civic Center Master Plan: Interim Report, Civic Center folder.
 10.38 Department of Community Planning and Development (Boulder). "Intermediate Master Plan and Implementation Guidelines: Boulder Civic Center". April 1990. RE: Civic Center, Intermediate Master Plan, Civic Center folder.