Draft Distribution List:

Other Agencies

State Emergency Management Offices and Non-Governmental Associations




Publication and Distribution
Publication Directions

(August, 1994)

  1. Determine the format of the pamphlet:

    ** [Available for layout in both hard copy and electronic format: WordPerfect 5.1 and ASCII text format]

    Size: 8 1/2" x 10" (finished -> 11" x 17" for printing, before binding)
    Font: 12-point Times
    Ink: Black
    Binding: Saddle stitch (less than 70 pages)
    Paper: Recycled bond (acid-free, if available)
    Cover: Card stock recycled, acid-free (if available)
    Color: Text: white (or variation); Cover: blue (or variation)
    Photos: PMT halftones (disposable), 5 made in advance; 5 to be made after flood
     Margins: 5/8ths inch minimum


  2. Determine page format (consult with NHRAIC staff):

Column widths:
Header types:
Section numbering:

Determine quantity. (See attached distribution list).

  1. Pictures:

    a. Locate PMT halftone photos in Boulder Flood folder.

    b. Take black & white print "after" photos of same locations. Number & write captions on back of prints. Take these to a printer to have PMT halftones made.

  2. Prepare camera-ready copy with the assistance of the Hazard Center Observer editors. Items already prepared should include: photo captions for "before" pictures, disposable PMT halftones for "before" photos, and title page. These should be located in the Boulder Creek Flood folder.
  3. Take camera-ready copy to lowest bidding printer, or utilize the University of Colorado Publication Department.

Espey Printing: 2005 32nd, 442-8514 (Lynn)
PIP Printing: 3050 Valmont Rd., 449-1155 (Jackie)


Draft Distribution List for Boulder Creek Flood Pamphlet

(August, 1994)

Boulder City Government: (20 copies)

Boulder City Mayor's Office
Boulder City Council Members (9)
Boulder City Manager's Office
Boulder City Planning Office
Boulder Police Dept.
Boulder Public Works Dept.
Boulder Fire Dept.
Boulder Regional Emergency Telephone Authority - Chair
Communication Division - Director, Public Information
Flood Control Utility
Wastewater Utility
Water Utility

Boulder County: (11 copies)

Boulder County Commissioners (3)
Emergency Preparedness Office - Coordinator
Sheriff's Dept.
Health Dept.
Land Use Dept.
Planning Dept.
Public Works Dept. - Senior Water Resources Engineer
Social Services
Mental Health Center

University of Colorado: (16 copies)

Natural Hazards Center Advisory Committee (10)
University Police - Communications Supervisor
University Housing Administration - Director
University Public Relations (press release)
Office of the President
Office of the Chancellor - Boulder Campus


Other Agencies - Boulder: (10 copies)

American Red Cross (Mile High - Boulder) - Manager
Boulder Board of Realtors
Boulder Community Hospital, Emergency Dept.
Boulder Chamber of Commerce
Boulder County Sewer Service
Boulder Shelter for the Homeless
Boulder County United Way
DDAB (Downtown Design Advisory Board)
PLAN Boulder County
DMC (Downtown Management Commission)

Other Agencies - Regional: (5 copies)

Representatives to the Colorado State Legislature
Urban Drainage & Flood Control District (Denver)

Other Agencies - State: (16 copies)

State Representatives / Senators
Colorado Office of Emergency Management - Director
(Dept. Local Affairs, Local Govt. Div)
Colorado Department of Natural Resources - Director
Colorado Water Conservation Board, Flood Control Section
Colorado Land Use Commission
Colorado State Geological Survey

Other Agencies - Federal: (54 copies)

FEMA: Chief, Response and Recovery Division, Region VIII
FEMA: Chief, Mitigation Division, Region VIII
US Geological Survey: National Water Data Exchange -
Director, Colorado User Assistance Center (Denver: 236-4886)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -
Supervisor, Missouri River Division (Omaha, NE)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -
Supervisor, Omaha District (Omaha, NE)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -
Floodplain Management Services,
All division offices:

Lower Mississippi Valley,
North Central,
Ohio River,
South Pacific,
North Atlantic,
New England,
Pacific Ocean,
North Pacific, and
South Atlantic Divisions

U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Basin & Area Planning Division
(Floodplain Management Program) - Colorado State Conservationist [Denver: 236-2886]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Wetlands Division,
Regional Wetlands Coordinator, Region VIII (Denver)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -
Environmental Officer, Region VIII (Denver)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -
Water Resources Coordinator, HUD Office of Environment & Energy (Washington)
Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office
[Denver: 236-1700]
Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office
[Denver: 236-1700] - Boulder District
Bureau of Reclamation - Flood Hydrologist,
Flood Hydrology Section (Denver office)
Bureau of Reclamation - Flood Hydrologist,

All regions:
Pacific Northwest,
Lower Colorado,
Upper Colorado,
Great Plains, and
Mid-Pacific Regions
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Director, Region VI (Denver)

National Park Service, Recreation Resources Assistance Division -
Director, Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (Washington)
National Park Service, Recreation Resources Assistance Division -
Director, Rocky Mountain Region (969-2850)
National Weather Service (NOAA) -
Director, Western Region (Salt Lake City)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) -
Director, Floodplain Management Operations (Knoxville, TN)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) -
Director, Social Impacts on the Environment Program (Boulder, CO)


State Emergency Management Offices and Non-Governmental National Associations: (56+ copies)

Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) -
National, State & Individual members)
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) (Lexington, KY)
Association of State Wetland Managers -
Floodplain Management Resource Center (Berne, NY);
National, State & Individual members)
American Water Resources Association (AWRA) (Bethesda, MD)
National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management (NCCEM)
(Falls Church, VA)
Scenic Rivers Program - Bureau of Water Resources Management,
Pennsylvania Dept of Environmental Resources (Harrisburg, PA)

Research Institutions:
(3 copies)

Disaster Research Center (Delaware)
Hazards Assessment Lab (CSU)
Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center -
College of Architecture, Texas A & M

Environmental Groups: (4 copies)

Natural Resources Defense Council
Environmental Defense Fund
Sierra Club
Colorado Public Interest Research Group (CoPIRG)



1. Radio: (8 copies)


2. Newspapers: (24 copies)

Boulder Daily Camera
Fort Collins
Denver Post (Environmental Reporter)
Rocky Mtn. News
High Country News (Paonia)
Pueblo Chieftain
Colorado Springs Gazette
Sentinel (Jeffco)
Estes Park
Canon City
Glenwood Springs
Grand Junction
Summit County

3. Television: (13 copies)

Channel 2
Channel 4 (NBC)
Channel 6 (PBS)
Channel 7 (CBS)
Channel 9 (ABC)
Channel 12
National Networks: CNN, ITN, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX
Cable Channels: Discovery, Mind Expansion University

4. Electronic media: (11 electronic copies)

Disaster Research (Natural Hazards Center)
Colorado HazardNet
SALEMDUG (State & Local Emergency Management Data Users Group)
EPIX (Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange)
ADMIX (Australian Disaster Management Information Exchange)
WICEN (Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network)
UNIENET (UN International Emergency Network)
America Online


Available upon request to Natural Hazards Observer readers.


A. Educational Institutions:

1. University of Colorado: (5 copies)

Norlin Library
CU Engineering Library
CU Western History Collection
Auraria Library (UCD)
Colorado Springs Library (UCCS)

2. Other universities and colleges: (14 copies)

Colorado State University Library
University of Northern Colorado (Greeley)
University of Southern Colorado (Pueblo)
Metro State College (Denver)
Adams State College (Alamosa)
Western State College (Gunnison)
Mesa State College (Grand Junction)
Fort Lewis State College (Durango)
Colorado Mountain College (Glenwood, Vail, et al.)
Aims Community College
Front Range Community College
Red Rocks Community College
Arapahoe Community College
Aurora Community College

B. Boulder Libraries: (3 copies)

Boulder Public Library
Carnegie Library
Boulder Historical Library

C. Other: (10 copies)

Denver Public Library
Colorado State Historical Society
Jefferson County Library System
Fort Collins
Estes Park

Total count (August, 1994):

11 electronic copies
280 paper copies
720 copies left for requests