Additional Reading Materials

Gilbers F. White Papers

Inventory of Boulder Creek Floodplain Materials

Carnegie Library Holdings

Location and Inverntory of Photographs:

Inventory of Roll 1
Inventory of Roll 2
Inventory of Roll 3


Research Materials

In addition to the reading list provided for the field workers and the list of references at the end of the pamphlet text, the following materials may be useful as supplementary sources for research on the Boulder Creek Flood:

  1. File of "Additional Readings." One set of photocopies of these readings are located with the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook copy in the Natural Hazards Library.
  2. Gilbert F. White's personal collection of papers on Boulder Creek. Two boxes, located in the Western History Collection of the University of Colorado (Boulder).
  3. Carnegie Library Flood Holdings (donated by Gilbert F. White). One set of Boulder Valley Flood papers, one set of Big Thompson Flood papers, both located at the Carnegie Branch of the Boulder Public Library (1125 Pine St., 441-3110).

The contents of each of these sources are listed in the pages that follow.




Additional reading materials

(located with the Natural Hazards Library copy of
the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook)

Dane, Sylvia. "Public Land Use and the Floodplain: An Analysis of the Boulder Civic Center Siting Process". Unpublished paper, University of Colorado at Denver Graduate School of Public Affairs, 1993.

Oaks, Sherry. "Floods in Boulder County: A Historical Investigation". Boulder: Boulder County Public Works Dept/ Institute for Behavioral Science (NHRAIC), 1982.

Paul, Jennifer. "Flood Reporting in a Flood-Prone Town: A Content Analysis of the Daily Camera Over One Hundred Years". Unpublished paper, University of Colorado, Dept. of Geography, 1985.

Smith, Phyllis. History of Floods and Flood Control in Boulder, Colorado. Boulder: Department of Public Works, 1987.

White, Gilbert F. "Boulder, Colorado" in Changes in Urban Occupance of Flood Plains in the United States, Gilbert F. White et al. Chicago: University of Chicago, Dept. of Geography, Research Paper No. 57, 1958.



Gilbert F. White Boulder Creek Floodplain Papers

(Two boxes, in the CU Western History Collection)

Summary of Contents

Box 1 of 2:

  1. 1992 Research, Interviews and Notes (Summer)
    (7 items)
  2. 1993 - 1994 Research Reports (Sharon Gabel)
    (4 items)
  3. Blue Ribbon Panel
    (4 items)
  4. Boulder Floodplain Decisions (outlines and Fall 1992 research)
    (2 items)
  5. Boulder Floodplain Decisions (student papers, GEOG 640)
    (9 items)
  6. Boulder Creek Plans
    (9 items)
  7. Boulder Creek General
    (19 items)
  8. Carnegie Collection of Gilbert F. White Flood Papers
    (3 items)
  9. Corps of Engineers Committee on Environmental Planning (CECEP)
    (2 items)
  10. Civic Center Flood Issues
    (38 items)
  11. Civic Center Master Plan
    (5 items)
  12. Comprehensive Drainage Utility Master Plan (CDUMP)
    (4 items)
  13. Edgewood Drive Neighborhood - Goose Creek Concerns
    (12 items)
  14. FEMA / White House letters and reports
    (3 items)
  15. Flood Hazard Perception
    (1 item)
  16. Floodplain Regulations
    (53 items)
  17. Floodplain Studies from Other Sites
    (16 items)
  18. Floodway Permits
    (56 items)
  19. Floodplain Rescue Seminar
    (11 items)
  20. Goss / Grove Neighborhood Issues
    (3 items)
  21. Hazard Zoning and Flood Control Studies
    (12 items)

    Box 2 of 2:

  22. History of Boulder Creek Floods
    (12 items)
  23. Insurance
    (10 items)
  24. Land Use - Boulder Creek and Tributaries
    (15 items)
  25. Major Drainageways Master Plan
    (8 items)
  26. Maps - Boulder Creek, Tributaries and Watershed
    (1 item)
  27. Names and Phone Numbers Related to Boulder Creek Floodplain
    (1 item)
  28. Newton Court Decision
    (18 items)
  29. Oaks, Sherry - "Floods in Boulder County, Colorado"
    (2 items)
  30. PLAN Boulder County (PBC) Floodplain
    (9 items)
  31. Public Library - Boulder Creek Extension
    (10 items)
  32. Technical Studies
    (8 items)
  33. University of Colorado Family Housing
    (4 items)
  34. University of Colorado Flood Hazard Issues
    (26 items)
  35. Warning and Forecast
    (24 items)


Carnegie Library Holdings:

Gilbert F. White Papers on the Boulder Creek Flooplain History and the Big Thompson Flood (1976)

The Carnegie Branch of the Boulder Public Library has two boxes of papers on the Boulder Creek Floodplain History and the Big Thompson Flood (1976), donated in 1991 by Gilbert F. White. The collections can be viewed at the Carnegie Library (1125 Pine St.) by asking the reference librarian for assistance. The call numbers for the collections are # 764 (Boulder Creek Floodplain History) and # 765 (Big Thompson Flood). No documents may be checked out, however, photocopies of documents may be made at the library. The library can also arrange for laser copies of photographs of past floods to be made (at cost).

The contents of the Carnegie collections of Gilbert F. White's papers are listed Appendix A of this notebook. This inventory was obtained by downloading an electronic copy of the holdings entered into the Colorado Area Research Library (CARL) system. The following abbreviations are used.

CARN refers to the Carnegie Branch of the Boulder Public Library.

CALL # identifies the location of the document within the library.

ftamc: found under the "Other Entries" heading; this is an archival designation used within the library profession for filing purposes; not of great interest to the general researcher.

See Appendix A



Location and Inventory of Photographs of

the Boulder Creek Floodplain

Black and white print photographs were taken of various structures located within the Boulder Creek Floodplain in June 1994. The objective was to provide "before" images of the floodplain, to be compared with photographs of the same locations following a major flood on Boulder Creek.

Three rolls of 36 exposure Kodak Tmax Black and White Print Film (I.S.O. 100) were shot using a 35-mm Olympus camera with a 35 mm lens. The following pages list the subject and address of each photograph, and the location from which each image was taken.

The print copies of these photographs are located with the Western History Collection copy of the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook, separate from the negatives, which are located in the administrative assistant's office in the Natural Hazards Center (1243 Grandview).

There are also floodplain photographs for the 10,25,100 and 500 year floods at the end of the Western History Collection, Carnegie, and Natural Hazards Library copies of The Boulder Creek Flood Notebook.



  Roll #1
1.1 Justice Center
from the NW corner of 6th and Boulder Creek (pedestrian path)
1.2 Justice Center
from pedestrian path, approx. 50 yards W of 6th
1.3 Justice Center
from pedestrian path, approx 30 yards W of 6th
1.4 Justice Center
from pedestrian path, NE corner of 6th and Boulder Creek
1.5 Old Library
from the S side of the parking lot (on Canyon)
1.6 Old Library and bridge across Creek to New Library
from the NE corner of the pedestrian path (and footbridge)
1.7 New Library
from the NW corner of the parking lot
1.8 New Library
from the center of the parking lot
1.9 New Library
from the SW corner of the parking lot
1.10 Alfalfa's
from the SE corner of 11th and Arapahoe
1.11 Alfalfa's
from the E side of 11th (1/3 between Arapahoe and Marine)
1.12 Presbyterian Manor (1050 Arapahoe)
from the E side of 11th (1/3 between Arapahoe and Marine)
1.13 New Britain
from the SE corner of 11th and Arapahoeand Park Central Buildings
1.14 Alfalfa's main entrance
from the S side of Arapahoe
1.15 SW corner of Broadway and Arapahoe
from the S side of Arapahoe
1.16 NE corner of Broadway and Arapahoe
from the SW corner
1.17 NE corner of Broadway and Arapahoe
from the SW corner
1.18 NE corner of Broadway and Arapahoe
from the SW corner
1.19 SE corner of Broadway and Arapahoe
from the NW corner
1.20 Park Central Building
from the E side of Broadway
1.21 Park Central Building
from the E side of Broadway
1.22 Locomotive and Bandshell
from the E side of Broadway
1.23 Locomotive and Bandshell
from the E side of Broadway
1.24 Municipal Building
from the E side of Broadway, between the Creek and Canyon
1.25 Municipal Building
from the E side of Broadway, between the Creek and Canyon
1.26 Municipal Building
from the SW corner of Broadway and Canyon
1.27 Municipal Building
from the SW corner of Broadway and Canyon
1.28 Oasis Brewery (1095 Canyon Blvd.)
from the W side of Canyon (NW corner of the Municipal Bldg)
1.29 Atrium Building (1300 Canyon)
from the SE corner of 13th and Canyon
1.30 13th Street (location of Farmers' Market)
from the SE corner of 13th and Canyon
1.31 Boulder Art Center (1750 13th St.)
from the SW corner of 13th and the ditch
1.32 Atrium Building
from the SW corner of 13th and the ditch
1.33 Boulder Art Center
from approx 50 ft. S of the SW corner of 13th and the ditch
1.34 (sign for) Tajik Chaikona (Dushanbe Teahouse)
lot E of 13th between the Atrium Bldg and the ditch
1.35 Boulder High School
from the N side of Arapahoe at 15th (W of cleaners)
1.36 Boulder High School
from the N side of Arapahoe at 15th (in front of cleaners)
1.37 Boulder High School
from the N side of Arapahoe at 15th (W of cleaners)
1.38 Boulder High School
from the SE corner of 17th and Arapahoe



  Roll # 2
2.1 2012 Grove St. (N side)
2.2 1945 Grove St. (NW corner, 20th and Grove)
2.3 1946 Grove St. (S side)
2.4 1910 Grove St. (S side)
2.5 1843 Grove St. (N side)
2.6 2012 Grove St. (S side)
2.7 1704 18th St. (E side)
2.8 1701 18th St. (W side)
2.9 1701 18th St. (W side)
2.10 Arapahoe Center (S side of Arapahoe)
from the W end of the parking lot
2.11 Arapahoe Center (S side of Arapahoe)
from the W end of the parking lot
2.12 Safeway (SW corner of 28th and Arapahoe)
from the S side of Arapahoe
2.13 Crossroads (and Colorado National Bank) NE corner of 28th and Arapahoe
from the SW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
2.14 Crossroads (and Colorado National Bank) NE corner of 28th and Arapahoe from the SW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
2.15 N side of Arapahoe and the NW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
from the SW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
2.16 N side of Arapahoe and the NW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
from the SW corner of 28th and Arapahoe
2.17 Clarion Hotel courtyard (looking toward Boulder Creek)
from the S side of the gated entrance
2.18 Clarion Hotel gated entrance
from the parking lot
2.19 Clarion Hotel (S wing)
from the parking lot
2.20 Clarion Hotel Lobby entrance
from the parking lot
2.21 Newton Court (SW side)
from parking lot # 169
2.22 Newton Court (SW side)
from parking lot # 169
2.23 Newton Court
from the NW corner of Folsom and the Creek
2.24 Newton Court
from the E side of Folsom
2.25 Newton Court
from the E side of Folsom
2.26 Gold Run Condominiums
from the SW corner of the Gold Run tennis courts
2.27 Smiley Court (E of 30th, S of Boulder Creek)
from the NW corner of Shadow Creek Drive and 30th
2.28 Greenhouse (1380 30th - S of Boulder Creek)
from the W side of 30th
2.29 Gold Run Condominiums
from the Boulder Creek train (N of Creek) at intersection with Crossroads Mall trail through Scott Carpenter Park
2.30 Greenhouse
from the W side of 30th
2.31 2907 Shadow Creek Drive (Gold Run Condominiums)
from the S side of the driveway
2.32 Gold Run Condominiums (N side)
from the NE corner of Boulder Creek and the 28th St. frontage road
2.33 Gold Run Condominiums (N side)
from the NE corner of Boulder Creek and the 28th St. frontage road
2.34 Professional Offices (1400 28th St.)
from the S side of Cordry
2.35 Golden Buff Motel
from the S side of 17th, W of 28th
2.36 Golden Buff Motel
from the S side of 17th, W of 28th
2.37 Children's Center at Newton Court (2202 Arapahoe)
from 22nd and Arapahoe
2.38 Newton Court (N side)
from 22nd and Arapahoe
2.39 Children's Center at Newton Court (2202 Arapahoe)
from 22nd and Arapahoe



  Roll # 3
3.1 17th Street bridge over Boulder Creek (blurred)
3.2 College Inn (SE corner)
from S side of parking lot
3.3 College Inn (SE corner)
from S side of parking lot
3.4 College Inn (SE corner)
from S side of Athens
3.5 Athens North Court (S side)
from S side of parking lot
3.6 Athens North Court (main entrance)
from S side of Athens
3.7 Faculty-Staff Court (E group)
from NW corner
3.8 Faculty-Staff Court (E group)
from NW corner
3.9 Faculty-Staff Court parking lot and E side of W group
from Athens
3.10 Open space between E group, Faculty-Staff Court and Creek
from S end parking lot
3.11 Athens North Court
from the NW corner of 19th and Athens
3.12 Athens Court (W side)
from the SE corner of 19th and Athens
3.13 Athens Court and Faculty-Staff Court (with parking lot)
from the NE corner of 19th and Athens
3.14 SW corner of 19th and Athens
from the NE corner of 19th and Athens
3.15 Athens Court
from the N side of Athens
3.16 Athens Court courtyard (W end)
from N side, midway
3.17 Athens Court courtyard (E end)
from N side, midway
3.18 Marine Court (SW corner)
from the SW corner of 20th and Athens
3.19 Marine Court (SW corner)
from the SW corner of 20th and Athens
3.20 Family Housing Center
from the W side of 20th
3.21 Marine Court courtyard (E side of W unit)
from the NW corner
3.22 Marine Court courtyard (E side of W unit)
from the NW corner
3.23 Athens Court
from the NE corner of 20th and Athens
3.24 Marine Court (E side)
from the S end of the Naropa parking lot
3.25 Marine Court (E side)
from the S end of the Naropa parking lot
3.26 Marine Court (E side)
from the S end of the Naropa parking lot
3.27 Newton Court (SW corner - across field)
from the S end of the Naropa parking lot
3.28 Newton Court (SW corner - across field)
from the S end of the Naropa parking lot
3.29 Marine Court (NE corner)
from Marine
3.30 Marine Court (NE corner)
from Marine
3.31 Marine Court (N side)
from Marine
3.32 Marine Court (N side)
from Marine
3.33 Marine Court (N side)
from Marine
3.34 Boulder High School (E side)
from the NE corner of 17th and Athens
3.35 Boulder High School (E side)
from the NE corner of 17th and Athens
3.36 17th Street bridge over Boulder Creek
from the NE corner of 17th and Athens
3.37 17th Street bridge over Boulder Creek
from the NE corner of 17th and Athens
3.38 17th Street bridge over Boulder Creek
from the NE corner of 17th and Athens