Part 2: Effect on Public Utilities and Services

Part 3: Personal Lives

Data Sheet 1
Data Sheet 2
Data Sheet 3
Data Sheet 4


Social Disruption

Information for this section can be obtained from the Boulder City Manager's Office, Boulder Police Department, Boulder Public Works Department, Boulder Fire Department, University of Colorado Police, Boulder Valley School District, Public Service Company of Colorado, and U.S. West Communications. See Contact List for addresses and phone numbers.

Data for this section may be gathered on Sheets C1 to C3 (attached).

Part 1: Traffic Blockages (Data Sheet: Traffic Blockages)

  1. Location of blockage (give cross streets & designate on attached map):
  2. What caused the blockage? Choose from the following, using the appropriate letters. More than one choice may apply.
    a- debris carried by floodwaters
    b- high water
    c- bridges or road washed out
    d- stalled car(s)
    e- downed power lines
    f- fallen tree(s)
    g- other (specify)
  3. Who was affected by the blockage (choose from the following, using the appropriate letters):
    a- emergency vehicles
    b- local residents
    c- area businesses
    d- public transportation
    e- repair services (specify: e1- telephone, e2 - electrical, e3 - water & sewer, e4 - structural repair, e5 - other)
    f- University students and personnel
    g- other (specify)
  4. How long was traffic blocked (choose from the following, using the appropriate letter):
    a- 1 to 4 hours
    b- 5 to 10 hours
    c- 10 to 23 hours
    d- 1 to 2 days
    e- 3 to 4 days
    f- 5 to 6 days
    g- 7 to 10 days
    h- 11 to 13 days
    i- 2 to 3 weeks
    j- 4 to 6 weeks
    k- 7 weeks to 2 months
    l- more than 2 months
  5. Access to which services were affected by the blockage (choose from the following, using the appropriate letters):
    a- grocery stores
    b- pharmacies
    c- gas stations
    d- other local businesses
    e- police stations
    f- fire stations
    g- medical services
    h- elementary schools
    i- secondary schools
    j- University campus
    k- child care
    l- senior centers
    m- handicapped services
    n- homeless shelters
    o- libraries
    p- recreation facilities
    q- historical society
    r- museums
  6. What was the total estimated cost of the blockage, including repair cost, cost of lost business to local merchants and cost of re-routing to individuals (choose from the following, using the appropriate letters):
    a- under $ 1,000
    b- $ 1,001 to $ 5,000
    c- $ 5,001 to $ 10,000
    d- $ 10,001 to $ 20,000
    e- $ 21,001 to $ 50,000
    f- $ 51,001 to $ 100,000
    g- $ 101,001 to $ 200,000
    h- $ 201,001 to $ 500,000
    i- $ 501,001 to $ 1,000,000
    j- more than $ 1,000,000


Part 2: Effect on public utilities and services (see data sheet 2: effect on public utilities and services)

  1. Utility or service type (choose from the following, using the appropriate letters):
    a- Natural gas
    b- Water (drinking)
    c- Sewer
    d- Electricity
    e- Petroleum (gasoline)
    f- Telephone
  2. What was the location of the outage (give address or area - describe boundaries)?
  3. What was the estimated time until repair (in hours)?
  4. Interview gasoline stations to find out the following:
    a- address of station
    b- available supply (in gallons):
    c- estimated time those supplies will last (in hours):
    d- estimated time of delivery for additional supplies:
    e- estimated amount of time that pumps have been/were inoperable due to the abscence of electricity:

When writing your summary report, keep the following questions in mind (using the data collected above):

- What was the nature of each disruption?
(e.g., power lines down, services not available or intermittent, water quality problems, etc.)

- How many people and what kinds of services were affected by the disruption?

- What actions did people take to adjust to the outage (both as individuals, and as businesses or service providers)?


Part 3: Personal Lives (see data sheet 3: Effect on Personal Lives and data sheet 4: School Closures)

The project coordinator will have directions on which individuals should be contacted for this section.

  1. Were people prevented from doing normal daily activities? Choose from the following, using the appropriate letters. More than one choice may apply.
    a- going to work
    b- going to school (specify age)
    c- getting groceries
    d- daily exercise
    e- going to business functions
    f- going to social functions
    g- providing transportation for family members
    h- recreational activities
    i- other (specify)
  2. Were any schools closed following the flood? (Give name, location and length of closure)?

    How did this affect the family?

  3. How did the routine activities of family members change as a result of the flood?

  4. What other impacts did the flood have on family members?
    (e.g., felt closer to other family members or to neighbors; took responsibility for tasks usually left to another family member - cooking, repairs, cleaning, yardwork; etc.)

    On personal friends?

  5. What personal losses were suffered by the individual?
    (For example, property, lives of family/friends, mental trauma, ability to work, financial losses, etc.)

  6. What adjustments did individuals, families and groups make to cope with the results of the flooding?