Announcing a Revamped HazLit
and a Redesigned Web Site
(Along With a Reminder of
Oldies But Goodies)

Our New All-Hazards On-line Library Search Engine

Over the years HazLit, the Natural Hazards Center's on-line bibliographic database, has served countless researchers and practitioners in locating resources on human adaptation to natural hazards and disasters. Now, thanks to a grant from the Public Entity Risk Institute, members of the hazards community can more directly access information on the books, reports, periodicals, videos, and CD-ROMs available in the center's library.

At the revamped HazLit site,, users will find an overall description of the library and its services, instructions for using HazLit, links to other disaster-related libraries and information centers, and a link enabling users to e-mail library staff with disaster-related questions. Most importantly, HazLit is now equipped with expanded search capabilities that allow simple and complex searches based on author, title, date of publication, and keywords. In addition to the many annotated database records, HazLit also provides direct links to several online documents. Users will see a marked improvement in the speed and convenience of the new database.

The Natural Hazards Center Library is committed to assisting hazards researchers and practitioners in acquiring the information they need to do their jobs. We welcome feedback regarding HazLit and other library services. Please send comments to Wanda Headley, Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, University of Colorado, 482 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0482; (303) 492-5787; e-mail: wanda.headley@

It's Time to Get with the Times

Not to be outdone by the library staff, the Hazards Center web site managers are trading the old site design for a more up-to-date and user friendly look. All of the useful information that was there before still remains, but users will be able to navigate the site and locate information more quickly. The new site will have the same URL as the current one and will provide easier access to the variety of information that the center provides.

We are excited to announce a variety of new web-based features, including issue close-ups, program profiles, and more! Please see and contact us if you have suggestions or comments on our new site.

Still the One

And if you need more than just a new, pretty face, be sure to check out the many on-line products and resources the center's web site has offered for many years, including our regular publications as well as useful information such as where to get the latest research on volcanic eruptions.

Past and current issues of our two periodicals, the electronically distributed Disaster Research and the Natural Hazards Observer, are posted on our web site. Readers can search issues published from 1994 to the present and browse individual issues. Both Disaster Research ( and the Observer ( are posted in HTML format with activated links for easy navigation to web sites mentioned in the text. The Observer is also posted in PDF format so that readers can download and print copies from their computer.

For More Information

If you require further information about any of our services, please visit our web site or contact the Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, 482 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309; (303) 492-6818; fax: (303) 492-2151; e-mail:

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