Table 6

Dominican Republic: Correlations Among Demographics, Preparation, Distress, and Resource Loss, and Social Support (N=177)

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Acute Stress Symptoms --                    
2. Gender .03 --                  
3. Age -.04 -.02 --                
4. Trauma Exposure .15a -.06 .15a --              
5. Low Magnitude Life Stress History .07 .11 -.07 .18a --            
6. Preparation -.08 .08 .02 .06 -.10 --          
7. Socail Support -.32c .16a -.16a -.13 -.06 .24b --        
8. Object Resource Loss .39c .05 .12 -.03 .22b -.17a -.36c --      
9. Condition Resource Loss .59c .01 .09 .03 .08 -.05 -.37c .35c --    
10. Energy Resource Loss .52c .09 .14 .18a .22b -.06 -.22b .41c .55c --  
11. Personal Characteristic Resource Loss .62c .06 .15a .10 .16a -.12 -.39c .44c .85c .68c --
12. Depression .53c .05 .10 .15 .10 -.13 -.47c .27c .35c .35c .37c

a = p<.05;b = p<.01;c = p<.001