Table 1.  Survey administered to residents of Siren, Wisconsin.



Distance of house from the tornado path? ______________________

Where were you when the tornado struck?
How many adults are in your household?  	1    2    3    4    More than 4
How many were home during tornado?      	0    1    2    3    4
How many children are in your household?    0    1    2    3 	4    Others?
How many were home during tornado?      	0    1    2    3    4
How many pets are in your household?        0    1    2    3    4    More?
How long after the storm were you first aware of the damages
caused by the tornado?
     < 1 minute     1-5    6-10    11-15   16-30    >30
Did you, at any time believe that your home had been hit or
damaged by the tornado?  Yes  No
     If yes, please


Did you receive a warning before the tornado?               Yes

If yes, what types of warnings did you receive? (Mark all that
     NWS Severe Thunderstorm Watch           NWS Severe Thunderstorm Warning
     NWS Tornado Watch             			 NWS Tornado Warning
     Non-specific warning               	 Other?

What was the source of warning? (Mark all that apply)
     Television           Weather   Radio       Commercial      Radio    
	 Internet/E-mail      Siren     Visual      Telephone call  Pager/Beeper
     Word-of-mouth  Others? ______________________________________

How many minutes of warning time did you have before the tornado
     < 1 minute     1-5      6-10     11-15     16-30   >30

To what degree do you agree with the following statement?
     The warning gave me enough time to seek safety.  
	 	Strongly    Agree     Agree     Disagree      Strongly Disagree
     If Disagree or Strongly Disagree, why?       
	 	No safe place nearby       Family was dispersed  
		Not prepared for tornado   Tornado hit too quickly
        Other?  ____________________________________________

To what degree do you agree with the following statement?
     The tornado warning was adequate for my location.   
	 	Strongly    Agree     Agree     Disagree    Strongly Disagree
     If Disagree or Strongly Disagree: why?____________________________

Overall, do you believe the tornado warning was adequate?
     Yes            No

Did you have an emergency action plan?
Yes       No
     If yes, what was your plan?   
	 	Move to basement or lowest interior room  
		Shelter in bathroom
        Head to a storm shelter            
		Move to car or truck for shelter
        Drive away from storm              
		Do nothing

Did you follow your plan?                    Yes       No
     If no, what did you do?

Did you attempt to visually verify the tornado threat before
taking action?      Yes       No

     If yes, for how many minutes did you look for the storm?
     < 1 minute     1-5   6-10    11-15    16-30    >30

Did you see the tornado?           Yes       No
     If yes, for how many minutes did you watch the tornado?
     < 1 minute     1-5   6-10    11-15    16-30    >30

Did you videotape or photograph the tornado? Yes       No
     If yes, for how many minutes?
     < 1 minute     1-5   6-10    11-15    16-30    >30
Did you feel safe while videotaping?
Yes       No

Did you seek out or gather family members before moving to a safer place?   
Yes       No

Did you open or close the windows in your home before the tornado passed?  
Yes       No

Did you move to an interior room, bathroom or a closet for safety?
Yes       No

Did you move to a bathtub for protection?
Yes       No

Do you move to a motor vehicle (car, truck, or motor home) for safety? 
Yes       No

Did you leave your motor vehicle for safer place?
Yes       No

If outside, did you move to a low-lying area (a ditch, culvert or ravine)?
Yes       No

Overall, did you feel safe in your actions to evade the tornado or reduce its impact?
Yes       No

How likely do you think it is that you'll experience a tornado
again at this location?
     <10% chance    10-24%      25-49%     50-74%    75-100%


Will you respond differently in the event of a possible future tornado?     
Yes       No

     If yes, what would you do differently? (Mark all that apply)
                    q    Spend less time looking at tornado
                    q    Spend more time looking at tornado
                    q    Acquire NOAA Weather Radio
                    q    Rely on NOAA Weather Radio for weather information
                    q    Rely on Internet for weather information
                    q    Rely on TV for weather information
                    q    Rely on commercial radio for weather information
                    q    Seek shelter in lowest level of home
                    q    Seek shelter in motor vehicle
                    q    Contact relatives or friends
                    q    Flee from tornado path
                    q    Prepare plan of action
                    q    Revise previous plan of action
                    q    Do nothing
                    q    Others?

Which, if any, of the following modifications do you plan to make
to your home? (Mark all that apply)
                    q    Build and use a tornado safe-room in your house
                    q    Purchase and use an in-ground storm shelter for your
                    q    Install roof clips
                    q    Build or buy a house of better construction
                    q    Move to a safer part of the city or metropolitan area
                    q    Move to a city with a lower probability of severe storms
                    q    Others?

Rate the degree to which you agree with the following statement:
     My future response to tornadoes will be better than in the
          Strongly agree     Agree    Disagree  Strongly  Disagree

Were there any outstanding lessons learned from your near-tornado experience?   
Yes       No
     If yes, please