
Firewise is a Web site created for people who live, vacation, or own structures in wildfire-prone areas. It offers on-line wildfire protection information and checklists, as well as listings of other publications, videos, and conferences. The interactive home page allows users to ask questions of fire protection experts and to register and receive further information as it becomes available.

The U.S. Geological Survey offers "theme" pages on various hazards, including wildfire. Each theme Web site provides links to other Web resources, as well as a link to a "Fact Sheet" on the given subject.

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's primary logistical support center for wildland fire suppression. The center is home to federal wildland fire experts in fields as diverse as fire ecology, fire behavior, technology, aviation, and weather. Working together and in concert with state and local agencies, NIFC's role is to provide national response to wildfire and other emergencies and to serve as a focal point for wildland fire information and technology. The NIFC Web site provides current fire information (including daily incident management situation reports, National Weather Service fire weather forecasts, and national fire news), information about and links to cooperating agencies, and other information about NIFC projects.

Persons concerned about the current wildfire situation in the United States might want to consult this U.S. Forest Service Fire and Aviation Web site, which provides up-to-date reports and news regarding current and recent wildfires, as well as the wildfire potential, across North America. The library section offers numerous downloadable publications.

The Web site of the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma, part of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction includes numerous "Forecast Products," including these "Fire Weather Forecasts/Information Pages" that provide national-scale fire weather guidance for NWS offices and other interested federal agencies dealing with wildland fire management.

The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) provides operational fire-control services, as well as management and information services to its member agencies. In addition to coordinating services for all of the provinces and territories of Canada, CIFFC often coordinates the sharing of resources with the United States and other countries. The CIFFC Web site provides the public with information about the centre and it activities. It also contains a link to FireWire, CIFFC’s online fire reporting system, which provides up-to-the-minute bulletins, situation reports, and other data, as well as other on-line information, publications lists, and an event calendar

The Northwest Fire Research Clearinghouse (FIREHouse) is a Web-based project providing data and documentation on fire science and technology relevant to Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The goal is to provide "one-stop shopping" for resource managers, decision makers, scientists, students, and communities who want access to the results of efforts to understand and manage fire and fuels on public lands in the region.

The Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES) is a virtual collaborative workspace for wildland fire managers and researchers that serves them and others through the exchange of information and tools that are essential for wildland fire and fuels management.

Part of the Forest Service's Forest Encyclopedia Network, this Encyclopedia of Southern Fire Science (ESFS) synthesizes volumes of scientific knowledge about fire science in the southern United States. ESFS delivers grounded information to field practitioners and the general public with viewer-navigated text, photos, graphics, plus a large bibliography and access to several fire science databases.

The Nature Conservancy launched the Global Fire Initiative to help counter threats that fire poses to global conservation. The initiative is fulfilling a leading role in restoring ecosystems where fire dynamics have changed, and recently completed a global assessment that quantifies the scale of the problem. More information about the initiative, its tactics, and its projects is available on this Web site.

LANDFIRE is a five-year, multipartner wildland fire, ecosystem, and fuel mapping project designed to generate consistent, comprehensive maps and data describing vegetation, fire, and fuel characteristics across the United States. The primary partners in the project are the Nature Conservancy, U.S. Geological Survey, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Fire Lab.

The International Association of Wildland Fire has compiled this list by calendar date of infamous, multiple fatality wildland fires around the world over the last 150 years.

The Global Fire Monitoring Center serves as facilitator for the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Global Wildland Fire Network and maintains this Web site with information on global fire weather and climate forecasts as well as other materials on early warnings of wildland fire.