Model Sustainable Development Codes and Natural Hazards

Thursday, 1:30-3:00 p.m., Interlocken C

Can model codes bring sustainability to the forefront of local land use and development planning while also reducing risk to life and property due to natural hazards? This session will discuss land use codes that address natural hazard mitigation through the No Adverse Impact approach to floodplain management, low-impact development and green infrastructure for stormwater management, and specific regulations for building in the potentially hazardous wildland-urban interface. The possibility of building codes that address future natural hazard risk in the context of global climate change will also be discussed.

Julie Baxter Julie Baxter, Moderator
URS Corporation


James van Hemert James van Hemert, Panelist
Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute


Timothy ReinholdTimothy Reinhold, Panelist
Institute for Business and Home Safety


Holly PizaHolly Piza, Panelist
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Colorado