Preparing for Disaster Using Scenarios

Thursday, 1:30-3:00 p.m., Interlocken A

To better prepare for natural and human-induced catastrophic events, many governments, organizations, and associations have used scenario-based exercises to test response capabilities. Some exercises are very modest, others are highly sophisticated. Yet few have been evaluated for their impacts. This session will identify strengths and weaknesses of the scenario approach, exploring its implications for planning and preparedness.

Picture Unavailable Susan Tubbesing, Moderator
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute


Picture Unavailable Steve Leve, Panelist
Science Applications International Corporation


David WaldDavid Wald, Panelist
U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center


Shannondor MarquezShannondor Marquez, Panelist
Innovative Emergency Management


Picture UnavailableMarjorie Greene, Panelist
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute