Our Staff and Supporters

The Natural Hazards Center staff relies on the generous support and
hard work of many individuals, organizations, and sponsors to host our annual workshop. We would like to extend our thanks to:

Our Workshop Volunteers

Sarah Gregory
Alison Herring
Adelle Monteblanco
Chandler Van Schaack
Bryant Hammond
Jessica Weinkle

Our Staff

Kathleen Tierney, Director
Ezekiel (Zeke) Peters, Assistant Director for Programs and Outreach
Liesel Ritchie, Assistant Director for Research
RoseMarie Perez Foster, Senior Research Associate
Wanda Headley, Library Manager
Matt Beres, Research Assistant
Christine Bevc, Research Assistant
Jolie Breeden, Program Associate
Samantha Capps, Editorial Assistant
Ashly Barlau, Research Assistant
Marek Dvorak, Research Assistant
Brandi Gilbert, Research Assistant
Alexandra (Ali) Jordan, Research Assistant
Corey Reynolds, Program Specialist
Allison Taylor, Natural Hazards Center Intern
Diane Smith, Office Manager
Jeannette Sutton, Research Associate
Dan Whipple, Editor

Special thanks goes to the following:

The Center’s National Advisory Committee for their suggestions
and guidance.

Lori Peek for her continuing guidance.

Clancy Philipsborn for conducting the Boulder Creek Floodplain

Rod Pudim for the cartoons used for the Workshop program
and our bimonthly Natural Hazards Observer.

Kathy Bogan for her graphic design talent.

Center intern Allison Taylor for her hard work.

All of our speakers, moderators, panelists, and presenters.

Our Supporters

The Natural Hazards Center is funded through a National Science
Foundation grant (CMMI-0734304) supplemented by contributions
from a consortium of federal agencies, corporations, and not-for-profit
organizations. We would like to thank our sponsors for their steadfast
support of the Center and its mission:

• National Science Foundation
• Federal Emergency Management Agency
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
• National Aeronautics and Space Administration
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• U.S. Department of Transportation
• Public Entity Risk Institute
• Oak Ridge National Laboratory