Communicating Disaster Science to Local Government

Sun. 3:30-5:00 p.m., Centennial F

Communicating disaster science and risk involves much more than just presenting data. Especially for local governments, scientific information must be communicated in a way that motivates action, both on the part of decision makers and on the part of the general public. This requires various strategies, including tailored messaging and, often, coalition building. In this session, policy makers, scientists, and community organizers will explore how best to communicate disaster-related information to local jurisdictions, taking into account the sometimes unfortunate realities of politics, elections, and budgets.

Kate Long Kate Long, Moderator
California Emergency Management Agency


Wendy Thomas Wendy Thomas, Panelist
American Meteorological Society


Yumei WangYumei Wang, Panelist
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries


PanelistInes Pearce, Panelist
Pearce Global Partners


Jay WilsonJay Wilson, Panelist
Clackamas County, Oregon, Emergency Management