Do We Need a Coordinated Disaster Research Agenda?

Sun. 1:30-3:00 p.m., Interlocken B

Disaster management has become a widely researched field in academia. While much of this work is federally funded, its results continue to have limited impacts on government policy. One initiative seeks to better use academic resources by creating a coordinated federal research agenda. This session will explore whether a coordinated agenda could make any progress in bridging the proverbial gulf between research and policy, and what might be lost by trying to impose greater order on the present process.

Joe Trainor Joe Trainor, Moderator
University of Delaware


Panelist Michael Dunaway, Panelist
U.S. Department of Homeland Security


PanelistWalt Peacock, Panelist
Texas A&M University Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center


Susan CutterSusan Cutter, Panelist
University of South Carolina Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute