Western States Seismic Policy Council Earthquake Early Warning Pre-Workshop Session

Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Interlocken A

Registration fee $20; early Workshop registration will be available at the doors to this event

California may be the first state in the nation to implement an earthquake early warning system. Over the last two years, the U.S. Geological Survey has supported research at the University of California, Berkeley; Caltech; and the University of Southern California to develop algorithms to analyze an evolving seismic sequence, with the goal of providing accurate and reliable early warnings to communities at risk. In addition to this research, the California State Assembly may soon consider legislation initiating the development of an earthquake early warning system, possibly for the state’s new high speed rail project connecting San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Currently, only Japan has a nationwide earthquake early warning system (initiated in October 2007). This panel will present and discuss earthquake early warning as a new and developing technology including sociological and public policy implications, Japan’s experience in the development and implementation of its system, and what is envisioned for California.

James Goltz James Goltz, Moderator
California Emergency Management Agency


David Applegate David Applegate, Panelist
U.S. Geological Survey


Dennis MiletiDennis Mileti, Panelist
University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center


Jim MoriJim Mori, Panelist
Kyoto University


Sam BlakesleeSam Blakeslee, Panelist, Invited
California State Assemblyman