Peter JutroPeter Jutro

Peter Jutro is deputy director of science and policy for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Homeland Security Research Center, which is responsible for research on disaster decontamination, water protection, and risk assessment. He is a member of several science advisory and intergovernmental groups, and is currently chair of the intergovernmental Civil Applications Committee that oversees federal civilian scientific and technical use of classified remotely sensed data.

Jutro has served as counselor for environment and security to seven EPA administrators and acting administrators. He was founding director of the EPA Global Change Research Program, a founding member of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, and a member of the 1980 National Flood Hazard Mitigation Committee. He currently sits on the White House Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction.

After receiving his Ph.D. from Cornell University, Jutro joined the faculty. He was a U.S. Congressional Science and Environment Fellow, and subsequently served on the professional staff of the House Committee on Public Works (now Transportation and Infrastructure). While there, he specialized in disaster, health, and environmental issues.

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