Lauren Alexander AugstineLauren Alexander Augustine

Lauren Alexander Augustine is the director of the Disasters Roundtable at the National Academies and country director in the Academies’ African Science Academy Development Initiative. She worked at the U.S. Geological Survey in the Water Resources Division as a researcher with a focus on hydrogeomorphic research in coastal plain wetlands. She came to the National Academies in 2002 as a study director for the Water Science and Technology Board in the National Research Council, directing studies on a range of topics, including Texas in-stream flows, endangered species in the Klamath and Platte River Basins, and forest hydrology.

Augustine has overseen Disasters Roundtable workshops on many topics including: “Using Lessons from Haiti and Chile to Reduce Global Risk”; “From Reality 2010 to Vision 2020: Translating Remotely Sensed Data to Assets, Exposure, Damage, and Losses; and Disaster Resilient Design”; as well as a session, “Making Ends Meet: How Communities Can Use Risk Assessment Results,” which was a part of the World Bank conference Understanding Risk.

Contact Lauren Alexander Augustine