Manuela JohnsonManuela Johnson

Currently serving as the mitigation program director at the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Manuela Johnson is the Indiana Silver Jackets Team lead. The Indiana Silver Jackets Team is comprised of approximately 20 state and federal agencies that meet monthly to collaborate on a variety of statewide and regional challenges. The team has identified information gaps in the protection of Indiana lives and property.

The team was established in 2006 and has identified several challenges ranging from the need for statewide real-time flood inundation mapping, to establishment of a statewide fluvial erosion hazards program. Regional issues include: compilation of watershed data for the northeast branch of the Elkhart River; assisting community members in understanding why their properties flood and how they can help prevent further exacerbating their situation; and the Orange County flood inundation study for the Lost River karst geology. The team has been able to bring funding resources together to address the challenges.

Manuela has been working for the State of Indiana since July 1985. She has also worked at the Indiana State Board of Health, and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management before joining the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.

Contact Manuela Johnson

Related Resources from Manuela Johnson

National Silverjackets Web Site