Head ShotRobert O'Connor

Since 2001, Robert O’Connor has directed the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program at the National Science Foundation. At NSF, O’Connor also serves on the management teams for the Decision Making Under Uncertainty for Climate Change centers and the Water Sustainability and Climate competition.

O’Connor represents the National Science Foundation on the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee and also serves on the Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction of the National Science and Technology Council of the Executive Office of the President.

Before coming to NSF, O’Connor was a professor of political science at the Pennsylvania State University where he also was part of the senior management team for the Center for Integrated Regional Assessment.

His most recent articles have appeared in the (ITAL)Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, American Journal of Political Science, Climate Research, Global Environmental Change, Journal of Environmental Education, Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, Local Environment, Risk Analysis, and the Social Science Quarterly.

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