Anticipating a Major Earthquake and Tsunami in the Cascadia Subduction Zone

Sun. 1:30-3:00 p.m., Interlocken C

California is currently the only state with an Earthquake Advisory Plan. The plan was developed to respond to anomalous seismic activity that could presage a large damaging earthquake. Some argue that we should develop a similar plan in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, while others argue that scientists have little basis to offer warnings since plate boundary activity is minimal and the meaning of this activity is unknown. This panel will offer both views and answer the question of what should be done when the public is faced with potential large and damaging events that have a very low probability of short-term occurrence.

Panelist James Goltz, Moderator
California Emergency Management Agency


Panelist Lucy Jones, Panelist
US Geological Survey


PanelistJay Wilson, Panelist
Clackamas County Emergency Management


PanelistEvelyn Roeloffs, Panelist
U.S. Geological Survey