Head ShotRoseMarie Perez Foster

RoseMarie Perez Foster is a research and clinical psychologist who is currently a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Behavioral Science, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, and an Honored Professor in Applied Psychology at the Academy of Labor & Social Relations in Kyiv, Ukraine. Just previously she was a tenured faculty member at the New York University, Silver School of Social Work, and a Scientific Investigator in the NYU School of Medicine’s, Department of Psychiatry. From 1999-2007 she directed the Glass Center for Mental Health Research which supported young investigators working n the area of disenfranchised urban populations.

RoseMarie’s research foci have emphasized the bio-psycho-social impacts of traumatogenic experience including refugee populations, homeless urban women, survivors of state-sanctioned terrorism, and disaster-exposed communities. Since 1996 RoseMarie has maintained an investigative agenda in the area of toxic radiation disasters, investigating the complex adjustments of former Soviet Union residents who relocated to the US after the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant accident (1986). At this time she is concluding a project funded by the National Science Foundation with a multidisciplinary international team in Ukraine. This project has studied the longitudinal trajectory of outcomes in Ukrainian residents following the Chornobyl accident. Utilizing a random sampling, this study uniquely integrated estimates of cumululative external radiation exposure, and cumulative perceptions of radiation risk on health-related population outcomes.

RoseMarie is the recipient of the Frantz Fanon, MD Award from the American Pschological Association, Div. 45, for academic contributions to the cross-cultural and racial diversity literatures. In 2004 she was appointed an International Mental Health Specialist by the Fulbright Foundation.

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