Head ShotSuzanne Frew

Suzanne Frew, principle of The Frew Group, is a consultant in strategic communications, emergency management and community resilience building. She brings over 20 years of experience in planning, field operations and capacity building to her work throughout the US, Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia. Based out of Hawaii, Suzanne works with public, private and non-governmental sectors. Passionate about cross-cultural strategies and innovative approaches for inclusive community outreach and multi-sector engagement, she focuses on vulnerable, hard-to-reach populations. She specializes in the growing power of social media for emergency management. She is increasing focusing on multi-disciplinary, adaptive solutions to build community resilience and sustainability.

Suzanne has served as a manager, developer, instructor, author and facilitator on a wide range of projects, programs and workshops. She co-developed and now instructs the FEMA-certified Social Media for Disaster Response and Recovery Course (National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, U. of Hawaii). She recently responded to the OK City tornadoes as a digital volunteer. She worked Hurricane Katrina and Indian Ocean Tsunami on IBM’s Humanitarian Response Team and the Japan EQ with the Pacific Disaster Center. Throughout the 1990s she served FEMA fulltime as a Public Information Officer, Mitigation Education, Marketing and Partnership Development Coordinator, Hazard Mitigation Officer, and Project Impact Pilot Officer, and after leaving FEMA, an EMI instructor.

Suzanne is an outrigger paddler, photographer and member of the International Association of Emergency Manager’s (IAEM) Emerging Technology Caucus and Gender and Disaster Network. She serves on Hawaiian Island Land Trust’s Maui Advisory Council.

Contact Suzanne Frew

Related Resources from Suzanne Frew

The Frew Group Web Site