Head ShotJohn Plodinec

John Plodinec is the Associate Director, Resilience Technologies, for the Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI). In this role, he is responsible for identifying and evaluating technologies useful for enhancing community resilience. He also played the lead technical role in development of CARRI’s Community Resilience System. He developed CARRI’s Resilient Home Program, aimed at improving the survivability of American homes to disaster. This built on earlier work he did while at Mississippi State University, where he led the University's efforts to develop programs related to severe weather events. He is the author of a chapter in McGraw-Hill’s latest Encyclopedia of Homeland Security dealing with implementation of Whole Community efforts at the community level.

John is also an internationally recognized expert in nuclear and chemical waste management. He headed a team to assist the Indian glass and metal foundry industries to convert to natural gas from coal to prevent further deterioration of the Taj Mahal in India. As part of a NATO-sponsored team, he prepared recommendations that have been followed by the government of Estonia in cleaning up the Sillamae site, reputedly the most contaminated site in Europe.

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