Meet the Editors Submission Form

Journal or Book Series Information

Please submit the full title of your journal or book series (in APA Title Case), publisher, and active URL:

This should be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear in the Workshop and Researchers Meeting virtual platform and on the Natural Hazards Center website. (Limit 250 words)

Please upload a high-resolution image (.jpg or .png) of your journal cover or an image to represent your book series. This image will appear in the virtual platform and on the Natural Hazards Center website page for this event. (Max File Size 2 MB).
If you have a promotional flyer for your journal or book series, you are encouraged to upload it as a .pdf file. (Max File Size 2 MB).
Contact Information

Please submit the name and contact information for the person who will be available to respond to audience comments and questions throughout the Workshop and during the Meet the Editors event on Monday, July 11 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. MDT.

Registration Information

Registration is required to attend the Workshop and the Researchers Meeting. Which event or events will you be registering for and attending?

* Note that the live Meet the Editors event will occur during the Workshop only. We will not have a dedicated session time during the Researchers Meeting, but we will publish the publication profiles in the virtual portal. We will also encourage registrants to review the materials throughout the meeting and reach out to editors with any questions.