Floodplain Habitat

The Boulder Creek corridor has been designed to provide an outdoor environment in a pleasant setting for recreational and social activities. Some of these include: fishing, kayaking, bird-watching and various trails, gardens, and parks. The purpose of this section is to describe and evaluate the effects of the flood on the Boulder Creek corridor habitat and amenities.

First, look at the prints of specific sites along the Boulder Creek corridor. Next, go to each site and report on the questions found on the data sheet. Take a camera loaded with black and white print film to take pictures showing post-flood changes. The sites and activities include:

  1. Sculpture garden
  2. Flower gardens
  3. Peace garden
  4. Band shell (in place: August, 1994)
  5. Locomotive
  6. Boulder H.S. playing fields
  7. Bike path
  8. Fish observatory
  9. Children's fishing pond
  10. Fish pools
  11. Kayaking areas
  12. Bird-watching areas
  13. Public parks
  14. Walking / Running areas
  15. Teahouse (planned: 1994)

Boulder Creek Habitat

Site name:

Date evaluated:


  1. How has flooding altered the physical appearance of the site:

    a. What types of previously existing vegetation have been affected and how?

    b. Are there debris deposits in, on, or around the site (describe the extent and contents)?

    c. How were the built structures in the space altered?

    d. Did the flooding appear to benefit any physical element of the site (why or why not)?

  2. How has flooding altered the functional nature of the site:

    a. To what extent will the activity that took place there before the flood be able to be resumed after flooding?

    b. What measures will need to be taken before the activity can be resumed?

    c. Estimate how long it will take before the above measures can be completed and activities may be resumed. (If activities cannot be resumed, explain why not).

    d. What is the estimated cost of the damage?

    e. Are repairs planned, and if so, what is the estimated cost of repair?

    f. How will the effects of the flood change the activities that will take place on each site due in the future? Why?


  3. How did the flood affect Boulder Creek itself at this site (as well as the associated habitat):

    a. Did the flood cause alterations in the Boulder Creek streambed contour? What kind? How?

    b. What were the effects of the flood on rocks designed to promote fish life?

    c. Were any wetlands created or destroyed?

    Where and how much (in square feet)?

    d. Are there plans to restore wetlands that were destroyed or to create new ones?