Instructions for Release of Funds

Two University of Colorado Accounts hold funds for the Boulder Creek Flood Event research and pamphlet:

  1. Auxiliary Account # 1313410 (Title: "Boulder Creek Flood"). At the time funds are needed a BCA form (Budget Change Authorization), establishing a budget, must be submitted. The accountants handling auxiliary accounts can assist in this process. Then funds can be dispersed per any CU regulations.
  2. Gift Account # 1648794 (Title: "Boulder Creek Flood"). Again, a BCA form, establishing a budget, must be submitted to Gift Accounting in the Office of Contracts and Grants.

Procedures for disbursing funds that are in effect at CU at the time these accounts are activated should be followed with regard to invoices ("INs"), expense vouchers, and personnel. Many disbursements (travel, etc.) require approval of IBS administrators.

In addition, Gilbert F. White has provided in his will for $5,000 to be held by his Personal Representative in a special savings account, in which interest accumulates, to be available for expenditure after the flood. University policy does not permit accumulating interest, and so this supplementary source will be held in a local bank until needed, and should partially offset inflation.

Note: Monthly statements of account are on file with the Natural Hazards Center staff assistant.

cc: Auxiliary Accounting
Gift Accounting
Mary Axe, IBS
NHRAIC Staff Assistant







Potential Coordinators for Boulder Flood Pamphlet

Director, Natural Hazards Center: (303) 492-6818; Institute for Behavioral Studies, Building #6, 1243 Grandview Ave.; Campus Box 482, University of Colorado - Boulder, 80309-0482.

Chair, Department of Geography: (303) 492-8311; Guggenheim Geography; Campus Box 260, University of Colorado - Boulder, 80309-0260.

Eve Gruntfest, Professor: (719) 593-3513; Dept. of Geography, PO Box 7150, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs, 80933.

Faculty of the College of Environmental Design: (303) 492-7711; Campus Box 314, University of Colorado - Boulder, 80309-0314. (check with any interested faculty members).

Clancy Philipsborn, Consultant: (303) 494-4242, PO Box 19648, Boulder, CO 80308.

*Telephone numbers and addresses are accurate as of August, 1994