Instructions for Release of Funds
Potential Coordinators for Boulder
Flood Pamphlet
Map of Boulder

A "major flood" is defined as any flow of
Boulder Creek at Broadway that causes the death of more than six people,
or that seriously damages two or more public buildings, or exceeds 10,000
cfs. "Serious damage" is defined as property damages that cannot
be restored or replaced or repaired within one week following the flood.
Under the direction of one of the following people,
student field workers will rapidly survey the effects of the flood and collect
the data specified in the attached outline. The project coordinator will
select student field workers, supervise the collection of data and oversee
the publication and distribution of the pamphlet entitled: The Boulder Creek Flood of 19/20(??): A Community
- Locate a copy of The Boulder Creek Flood Notebook.
This notebook contains directions, information, reference sources, print
photographs of the Boulder Creek floodplain, sample data sheets and questionnaires,
etc. for the research to be undertaken.
Paper ("hard") copies of the notebook
are located in the following places:
In addition, electronic copies on 3.5" floppy
disks (WordPerfect 5.1 format) are kept in the Natural Hazards Library,
with the Hazards Center Director, and by Sharon Gabel, the notebook compiler
(see Hazards Center Office for current address).
- Select Pamphlet Coordinator(s). See potential coordinators for
Boulder flood pamphlet.
- Activate account for reimbursement of four
field workers, one week each. Funds available for this project are held
in University of Colorado Account # 1646881. The Institute for Behavioral
Studies (IBS) Administrative Officer (Mary Axe, at present) manages
the account, and is the person authorized to sign all documents for disbursement
of funds from the account. See Instructions
for Release of Funds for further details.
- Designate student field workers. Possible
- Natural
Hazards Center (492-6818)
- Geography (492-8311)
- Environmental Design (492-7711)
- Environmental
Studies Program (492-5420)
- Sociology (492-6427)
- Economics (492-6394)
Biology (492-8981)
- Civil Engineering (492-7315)
- Political Science
- Anthropology
- Psychology
- Public and Environmental Policy (492-0797,
- Assign field workers to the four
categories. Assign "Warning Systems" research if time and resources
are available. Copies of instructions and data sheets are located in the
Boulder Creek Flood Notebook in the Natural Hazards Center office.
- Compile pamphlet materials that have been
completed to date (located in the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook:
a. Suggested title
page (Gilbert White)
b. Table of
c. Opening statement
(Gilbert White)
d. Crucial public decisions to locate public structures
in the floodplain (Gilbert White). These include, but are not restricted
1) Municipal Building
2) Public Library
3) Library Extension
4) (Proposed) Civic Center
e. References:
major articles and public papers
- When research is completed, add the
"Effects" research to materials in # 6 above. These include:
1) Lives and injuries
2) Property damage
3) Social disruption
4) Warning systems and public response
5) Floodplain Habitat
- Write a summary section that includes
by the Coordinator(s).
- Prepare the pamphlet for publication in
printed and electronic form. (see Publication
Instructions in the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook).
- Distribute the pamphlet to the individuals
and organizations listed in the Distribution
List (in the Boulder Creek Flood Notebook.