Number 500 • April 24, 2008 | Past Issues

1) A Slice of History to Commemorate our 500th DR

Reprinted from the 200th edition in 1996 and the 400th edition in 2004:

"The Disaster Research e-mail newsletter was created in January 1989 by Bruce Crawford, an enterprising young graduate student at the Disaster Research Center, at the University of Delaware. Bruce managed the newsletter in various experimental forms (moderated and unmoderated) until November of that year. However, like Dr. Frankenstein's creation, Bruce's wonderful innovation soon took on a life of its own, and Bruce found that graduate school and list management required 36 hours/day of work (i.e., he had to give up one or the other). Hence, in November 1989, the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado assumed responsibility for DR, and we have been publishing this newsletter ever since.”

Since 1989, we have seen the readership grow from about 100 individuals to nearly 4,500 today.

Keep sending us your queries, comments, perspectives, and information. Thanks to you all for your support thus far!

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2) The DR’s Top 15...Since DR 400

There’s no denying our field has changed dramatically since DR 400 was sent out in January 2004. Check out the Natural Hazards Center’s picks for the top 15 Disaster Research stories since DR 400, in order of publication date.

DR 498: March 27, 2008
National Response Framework In Effect

DR482: July 26, 2007
National Hurricane Center Director Steps Down Following NOAA Employee Mutiny

DR 479: May 31, 2007
Paulison: FEMA is Ready for Hurricane Season

DR 478: May 17, 2007
Poll: Majority of Americans Want FEMA Out of DHS

DR 477: May 3, 2007
FEMA, Not Red Cross, to Coordinate the Provision of Disaster Aid

DR 476: April 19, 2007
New National Response Plan Won’t Be Ready by Hurricane Season

DR 469: January 11, 2007
Hurricane Center Chief Retires with a Final Warning

DR 464: October 20, 2006
In Memoriam: Gilbert Fowler White (1911 - 2006)

DR 452: May 4, 2006
Senate Katrina Report Blames Officials/Systems, Calls for New Agency

DR 442: December 2, 2005
Hurricane Season 2005 Tops the Charts

DR 440: October 28, 2005
NIST Releases Final Report on World Trade Center Investigation

DR 438: September 30, 2005
Natural Hazards Center Recommends Independent Katrina Review

DR 433: July 22, 2005
Plans for DHS Reorganization Announced

DR424: March 18, 2005
25th Anniversary of Eruption of Mount St. Helens

DR419: January 7, 2005
U.S. National Response Plan Complete

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3) The Natural Hazards Center 100 Editions Later

Our last milestone edition of Disaster Research, DR 400, was sent out on January 21, 2004. The Natural Hazards Center has seen quite a bit of change in the more than four years since.

Check out these projects, products, and programs instituted or improved at the Center since 2004:

  • START: The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism: The START program was designed to harness the methods and resources of the social and behavioral sciences to better understand the formation and dynamics of terrorist groups and the social and psychological impacts of terrorist attacks. The Natural Hazards Center joined this DHS Center of Excellence project in May 2005.
  • DRU: Collaborative Research: Warning Decisions in Extreme Weather Events: An Integrated Multi-Method Approach: This project examines the scientific and societal dimensions of warning decisions in extreme events, including how extreme weather warnings are communicated, obtained, interpreted, and used in decision making. The Center was awarded funding for this project in April 2008, and research activities will begin soon.
  • FRITZ: Bay Area Preparedness Initiative (BayPrep): The role of the Natural Hazards Center in the Bay Area Disaster Preparedness Initiative (BayPrep) is to conduct research and work in partnership with the Fritz Institute to address issues of disaster preparedness among community-based, faith-based and other non-profit organizations serving at-risk populations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Center began work on the BayPrep project in April 2007.
  • Research Digest: Research Digest is a quarterly online publication that compiles recent research into an easily accessible format for the hazards and disasters community. Research Digest debuted in September 2007.
  • Web Site: The Center’s Web site is a central node of information for the hazards and disasters community. A completely redesigned site was launched in September 2006.
  • Learning from Catastrophe: A peer-reviewed and edited volume, Learning from Catastrophe features a collection of 18 chapters from 39 researchers who conducted social science research during or immediately after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita made landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast in September 2005. The book was published in late 2006.
  • Quick Response Research Program: The Quick Response program offers social scientists small grants to travel to the site of a disaster soon after it occurs to gather valuable information concerning immediate impact and response. Since 2004, the Center has sent 61 research teams into the field; 27 of those teams performed fieldwork on Hurricane Katrina and its impact.
  • Natural Hazards Observer: The Observer focuses on news regarding human adaptation and response to natural hazards and other catastrophic events. Currently, 16,400 people subscribe to the Observer. In September 2006, the bi-monthly publication was given a makeover, and a crisper, cleaner design was introduced.

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4) Reminder: Call for Abstracts: 2008 Hazards and Disasters Researchers Meeting

The 2008 Hazards and Disasters Researchers Meeting (HDRM) will take place on July 16, 2008, immediately following the 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop to be held at the Omni Interlocken Resort near Boulder, Colorado, on July 12-15. Submissions of scholarly research on all aspects of hazards/disaster research from all disciplinary perspectives are being accepted. Please submit extended abstracts for papers electronically to with “HDRM Abstract” in the subject line.

The submission should include the following:

  • Author’s (and co-authors’) name, address, telephone number, and email address. Indicate the person that will present the paper.
  • Title of the paper
  • Three or more keywords that signal the topic area of the paper
  • An extended abstract of two pages, single-spaced, and not more than 1,000 words describing the research
  • Indicate whether you are willing to serve as a chairperson and/or discussant

The deadline for abstracts is May 30, 2008, with notification of inclusion in the program by June 1, 2008. If an earlier decision is required to arrange travel, please indicate so with the submission.

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5) Emergency Text Alerts to Cell Phones Approved

Federal regulators have approved a plan to create a nationwide text message emergency alert system that could be used to alert affected populations during natural disasters and other emergencies, the Associated Press has reported.

A 2006 federal law that requires the Federal Communications Commission to upgrade emergency alert systems and develop ways to better alert the public about emergencies led to the development of this project, which should be in effect by 2010.

Cell phone carriers’ participation is voluntary, but the plan is receiving strong support from the industry, according to the AP. Customers may not be charged for receiving alerts and will have the option to opt out of the program. Additionally, the emergency alerts would be delivered with a unique audio tone to distinguish them from normal messages.

According to the plan, three types of messages are proposed:

  1. National Alerts from the president, including for terrorist attacks or natural disasters
  2. Imminent threats like university shootings, hurricanes, and tornadoes
  3. Amber Alerts, which are reserved for abducted children

Read the Associated Press article at

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6) National Weather Service Warns of Above-Average Flood Potential

According to NOAA’s National Weather Service, recent flooding in America’s heartland is a good indicator of what’s to come throughout the spring season. Record rainfall in some states and melting snowpack in others are causing rivers and streams to crest their banks, and that’s only going to continue.

The Ohio, Mississippi, and the lower Missouri river basins, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, most of New York, all of New England, and western states like Colorado and Idaho have above-normal flood potential. Preexisting dryness in many western regions will likely prevent most of the flood potential; however, western runoff is expected to significantly increase from last year’s levels.

While many areas see flooding, still others will contend with drought. The southern plains drought is expected to continue despite heavy rainfall, though conditions in the southeast have shown a general improvement.

To view the news story from NOAA announcing this forecast, visit

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7) FEMA’s Strategic Plan Released

On April 16, 2008, the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released its Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2008-2013. The new plan supports DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff’s goal of improving both national preparedness and emergency response.

Within this plan are five goals for FEMA:

  1. Lead an integrated approach that strengthens the nation's ability to address disasters, emergencies, and terrorist events
  2. Deliver easily accessible and coordinated assistance for all programs
  3. Provide reliable information at the right time for all users
  4. FEMA invests in people and people invest in FEMA to ensure mission success
  5. Build public trust and confidence through performance and stewardship

The Plan and a "Plan-in-Brief" are available online at

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8) NEHRP Strategic Plan Public Comment Period

The Draft Strategic Plan for the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program is now available for review and public comment at

The deadline for comments is 5 p.m. EDT on Friday May 9, 2008. To ensure comments are considered properly, submit comments through the 2008 Comment Submission for the Draft Strategic Plan on the NEHRP Web site by the deadline date with the following information:

  • Page number
  • Line number
  • Text in question
  • Comment
  • Reason for comment
  • Suggested revision

It is preferred that comments are submitted through the NEHRP Web site, but comments can also be submitted electronically to, by fax at (301) 975-5433, or by mail to:

NEHRP Secretariat
Attention: Dr. Jack Hayes  
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8600
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8600

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9) Call for Nominations: Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard Award for Academic Excellence in Emergency Management Higher Education

To honor the contributions and spirit of excellence cultivated by Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard in emergency management higher education, North Dakota State University (NDSU) seeks nominations for an award it has created in his name to honor like contributions in the emergency management higher education community.

Annually the Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard Award for Academic Excellence in Emergency Management Higher Education will honor the contributions of one member of the emergency management higher education community who has advanced emergency management higher education through his or her efforts.

Nominations can be submitted on behalf of oneself or others. Nominations should be presented in a one-page narrative that summarizes the contributions made to emergency management higher education by the nominated individual. If pertinent and available, the CV of the nominee may also be presented with the nomination. All nominations must be submitted via e-mail to on or before April 25, 2008.

For more information about Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard or committee members see For questions about the award, contact Carol Cwiak at NDSU at or (701) 231-5847.

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10) Call for Papers: Symposium on Enhancing Resilience to Catastrophic Events through Communicative Planning

The Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and the School of Public and International Affairs invites scholars to submit abstracts for a Symposium on Enhancing Resilience to Catastrophic Events through Communicative Planning, to be held November 16-18, 2008, in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Abstracts should respond to one of these three areas of inquiry:

  • What can collaborative processes contribute toward resilience
  • How can we design and conduct collaborative processes to enhance resilience
  • When and under what circumstances can collaborative processes contribute to resilience

Proposals for papers or posters are to be sent by e-mail to The body of the e-mail (no attachments please) should contain:

  • Title of the proposed paper
  • Abstract of less than 300 words
  • Complete address and professional affiliation of all (co)-author(s)

The deadline for proposals is May 15, 2008.
View the full call for papers, including detailed submission instructions, here.

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11) Some New Web Resources

[Below are some new or updated Internet resources we have discovered. For an extensive list of useful Internet sites dealing with hazards, see]

FEMA for Kids: Preparing Kids and their Families
FEMA for Kids was designed to educate and inform children and parents about disasters, preparedness, and recovery in a fun and interactive way. The site informs kids through several mediums, like stories, games, quizzes, and more. Resources for parents and teachers are also available, including downloadable curriculum and safety information that can be incorporated into the home or classroom.

Rethinking Disasters: Why Death and Destruction is not Nature's Fault but Human Failure
This report is part of a series of papers that seeks to educate the members of public about issues on development and humanitarian policy issues. The information in the report is meant to aide advocacy, campaigning, education, and research. This report addresses following topics: consequences of poor policies and inaction; environmental challenges caused by climate change; disaster risk reduction; and recommendations for the future.

The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 2 (UCERF 2)
In this new comprehensive study, scientists have determined that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in the California area over the next 30 years is greater than 99%. Such quakes can be deadly, as shown by the 1989 magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta and the 1994 magnitude 6.7 Northridge earthquakes. The likelihood of at least one even more powerful quake of magnitude 7.5 or greater in the next 30 years is 46%—such a quake is most likely to occur in the southern half of the state.

Quiz—What to do in an Earthquake
Think you know what to do in case of an earthquake? Take the quiz and find out. This flash quiz tests your knowledge about what to do in an earthquake to protect you and your family. In addition to the quiz, you are given the safest actions to take during an event. Several Web sites are presented at the end of the quiz that will further increase knowledge of earthquake preparedness.

2007 FEMA Employee Survey
A study conducted by DHS reveals employee satisfaction within the department. The electronic survey performed in October of 2007 asked questions related to organizational accomplishments, workforce management, goals of the agency, leadership, and communication. The goal of the survey was to acquire information in hopes of further improving the agency’s programs and policies. This site contains a summary of the results specific to FEMA and its employees.

The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy
This article by Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper addresses gender inequalities as a result of natural disasters. Inequalities discussed include sensitivity to risk, access to resources, and vulnerability of women and girls specifically. The authors argue that disasters decrease life expectancy of women when compared to men. The authors contend that the high rate of female fatalities due to disaster occurs because of socially constructed, gender-specific vulnerability that is a part of our socio-economic system.

Children, Youth and Environments Special Issue
Children, Youth and Environments is a free, online, peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers of varying topics; however, special focus is paid to articles concerning youths in environments of disadvantage and those with special needs. Its mission is to connect researchers, policy makers, and practitioners around the world in an interdisciplinary effort. This special issue examines vulnerability and resilience of children and youth regarding disasters, and includes more than a dozen articles specifically related to children’s experience in disaster.

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12) Conferences, Training, and Events

[Below are some recent announcements received by the Natural Hazards Center. For a comprehensive list of upcoming hazards-related meetings, visit our Web site at]

International CRED Summer Course 2008: Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations—Brussels, Belgium: July 7-18, 2008. This two-week intensive course is designed to familiarize professionals with epidemiological techniques that will help determine the impacts of disasters and conflicts. The course will introduce participants to the methods and tools used in the context of humanitarian emergencies. The course will also include different uses of quantitative tools for the assessment of health needs in populations affected by catastrophic events. See

2008 International Public Works Congress & Exposition—New Orleans, Louisiana: August 17-20, 2008. Hosted by the American Public Works Association (APWA), this conference will showcase public works professionals who display outstanding qualities of innovation, leadership, and resourcefulness in meeting the challenges of engineering and technology. Presentations will share lessons learned, “how we did it” case studies, strategies for addressing emerging trends, and practical and relevant methods for dealing with the critical issues facing public works today. A special track will be reserved for presentations highlighting the renewal and recovery efforts in the Gulf States region. See

2nd International Disaster Reduction Conference—Davos, Switzerland: August 25-29, 2008. This conference will address a broad range of risks including those related to pandemics, terrorism, climate change, and natural hazards. Risks of a technical, biological, and chemical nature will be featured at this gathering of leading experts, practitioners, academics, and policy makers from a broad range of interdisciplinary fields. Visit

RGS-IBS Annual International Conference 2008: Geographies that Matter—London, England: August 27-29, 2008. Like all research and teaching subjects, geography evolves through the combined, relatively ungoverned acts of its many practitioners. Geographies that matter to geographers and others raise the perennial question of the subject's wider role in socio-environmental change, conservation, and transformation. The goal of this conference is to critically look at the ‘drift’ of the field by addressing the following questions: What are the geographies that matter, to who and why? What is the role of geographical research, teaching, and advocacy in respect of them? See

13th World Water Congress—Montpellier, France: September 1-4, 2008. The objective of this congress is to raise global consciousness of the impact of global climate change on water resources. The congress contributes to the study of the earth’s water resources by opening the dialogue between public and private partners, users and decision makers, and emerging and developed countries. Topics will include water availability, use, and management; climate change and disasters; development of water resources and infrastructure; water governance and water security; water conservation and demand management; and capacity building in developing countries. See

11th International Specialized Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management—Budapest, Hungary: September 4-5, 2008. This conference presents attendees with an opportunity to engage in innovative discussion on the subjects of water resource management, climate change, water supply protection, sustainable urban drainage, pollution sources, and monitoring and modeling. This year’s conference themes include river basin management planning under the EU Water Framework Directive; river basin management practices in different continents; managing water resources in trans boundary river basins; managing competing uses to protect water quality and quantity; watershed management methods to facilitate availability for aquatic ecosystem health and human uses; the impact of climate change on watersheds, river basins, estuaries, and reservoirs; flood control and prevention; and the economics of river basin management. See

Dam Safety ’08—Indian Wells, California: September 7-11, 2008. Dam Safety 2008 will attract approximately 850 attendees from 50 states, Puerto Rico, and several other nations. The American Society of Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) annual conference offers a unique blend of training in both technical and practical dam safety applications, along with the opportunity to network with a variety of professionals representing all aspects of the dam safety community. University students in engineering, hydrology, geology, and related fields are encouraged to attend. Visit

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13) Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Technical Compliance Project Officer
Virginia Department of Emergency Management; Richmond, Virginia

The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), located in Chesterfield County, is seeking a Technical Compliance Project Officer to manage and perform contract compliance, quality assurance surveillance, and emergency management training program support with responsibility for determining organizational performance, development needs, and services. This position is responsible for planning, developing, and implementing agency wide or statewide training programs and/or initiatives for the Commonwealth.

Considerable knowledge of and experience in procurement and contract compliance, monitoring and maintenance. Comprehensive knowledge of supervisory principles and practices. Demonstrated skill in the preparation and coordination of written plans, policies, and procedures. Skill in conducting research, needs assessments, and analyses; program and course development; project planning; budget development; staff supervision; and coordination of the Learning Management System. Demonstrated experience in course management and public speaking. Ability to plan, develop, and direct training program initiatives through contact with local governments, state agencies, emergency management stakeholders, and course evaluations. Proven ability to establish and monitor goals and performance standards for a training program, and to manage the operations of a training facility. Leadership and supervisory experience is required. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in public administration, business, education, organizational development or related field preferred. Thorough knowledge of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation programs preferred. Applicant must possess a valid driver’s license and satisfactory driving record. The selected applicant will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interests form and undergo a criminal background check to include fingerprinting and DMV check.

For more information please see

Operations & Management Consultant II
Florida Division of Emergency Management; Collier County, Florida


  •  Knowledge of the Public Assistance Grant program, including the ability to oversee others’ learning of the grant program.
  • Skill in supervising staff and keeping record of infrastructure project management or project monitoring.
  • Ability to act as Regional Deputy in the event the Regional Deputy is unavailable.
  • Ability to provide assistance, support and consultation to employees, local governments, and other entities on programmatic and technical issues.
  • Ability to manage time and perform job requirements independently.
  • Ability to communicate effectively, verbally, and in writing with Division staff and all levels of government concerning projects and programmatic issues.
  • Ability to supervise others in conducting damage assessments; to assist in the interpretation of data.
  • Ability to monitor and conduct inspections on multiple physical infrastructure projects.
  • Demonstrates skill in computer based word processing and spreadsheet programs, for example, Microsoft Office.
  • Ability to travel overnight and to work non-traditional hours during emergency events.

For more information or to apply see,

Emergency Management Agency Deputy Director

Sheriff’s Office; Pacific County, Washington

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants must possess an associate’s degree or the equivalent experience in public administration with knowledge, understanding, and application of the principles and practices of planning and policy development in an emergency management environment. Applicants will be capable of assisting in planning, development, and maintenance of technical programs and projects and possess the ability to prepare reports, presentations, budgetary analysis, correspondence, and to interpret and assist in the implementation of goals and policies. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are required to communicate emergency management related information to the general public, governmental bodies, and the council. The position requires a working knowledge of Microsoft Office as well as other software applications normally encountered in an office environment. This position often requires irregular hours including extended shifts in times of emergency and is often required to attend meetings outside the regular workday. Applicant must have the ability to lift 40 pounds, and have possession of, or ability to immediately obtain a valid Washington State motor vehicle operator’s license and proof of auto liability insurance.

Position Summary: Provides staff support to the Director in the planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring of the activities and operations of the Emergency Management Agency. Provides administration and oversight of grant funds, including Homeland Security grants. Assists in coordination and revision of the Emergency Management Comprehensive Plan and Pacific County All Hazard Mitigation Plan. Conducts special studies outlined by the Emergency Management Council and monitors compliance with codes and regulations. May be called upon to provide technical advice to the Director, the Emergency Management Council, and governmental bodies as well as communicate information to the general public. Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly with staff and the public to provide quality public service. This position is full time, Grade 13.

Duties will require work county-wide, north county residence preferred. Primary work site-South Bend.
For more information or to apply see,

IEM Disaster Response Rapid Reserve Program

Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) is mobilizing its Rapid Reserve Program for any Hazard. Multiple States have tasked IEM with the mission to mobilize and deploy emergency management professionals to augment their existing staff anywhere in the United States in the event that a Hurricane or any other hazard should threaten its borders. IEM’s Disaster Response Rapid Reservists may be activated whenever a disaster occurs of such magnitude and severity that additional resources are necessary to manage and recover from the potentially catastrophic event.

Who should Sign up?
Emergency Management professionals who have the expertise and flexibility to be mobilized and deployed at a moments notice, as well as junior emergency management associates that wish to gain significant field experience with respect to catastrophic events.

Positions available:

• Command and Control Coordinators
• Operations Officers
• Plans Officers
• Logistics Officers
• State Liaisons
• Inter-Governmental/Regional Officers
• Long-Term Recovery Officers
• Mitigation Officers
• Public Assistance Officers
• Individual Assistance Officers
• Disaster Response Specialists
• GIS Specialists
• Transportation/Evacuation Planners
• Public Information Officers
• Cost Accountants
• Administrative Support Specialists

Contact Jamie Quistgaard at or go to to apply.

Local Public Health Institute Director
Massachusetts Department of Public Health; Boston, Massachusetts

This position will manage all aspects of the Local Public Health Institute (LPHI), which is a resource for the state’s 351 public health departments and local boards of health for emergency preparedness-related classes and trainings. The Director will be responsible for developing training curriculum, overseeing program evaluation, supervising course instructors and content matter experts, and for expanding both the Institute’s audience and the range of its course offerings.

He/she will work with staff from throughout the many bureaus at the Department of Public Health, and will work closely with the Institute’s Advisory Board to determine the strategic direction of the Institute. One particularly important aspect of the Institute Director’s position is to pursue additional sources of funding from both internal and external sources so that the scope of classes and trainings offered by the LPHI may be expanded beyond emergency preparedness into the many other public health disciplines.

The Emergency Preparedness Bureau is seeking an experienced professional with supervisory or managerial experience, ideally in an organization that specializes in education, health care or public health. The ideal candidate will have proven management skills (both with people and with finances), a record of accomplishment in curriculum development and pedagogical practices (including competency-based trainings, distance-based learning methods, and workforce development practices), and a proven track record of successful grant writing and efficient grant management.

For more information or to apply, click here.

Emergency Management Assistant
Des Moines County Emergency Management; Des Moines County, Iowa

This position assists Coordinator in providing county-wide, multi-level preparedness including, planning, training, exercises, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts for major emergencies and disasters. One to two years of technical or business school and four years experience in law enforcement, military, emergency medical services, fire fighting, emergency management, or other emergency response experience. Grants, coordination skills, Microsoft office programs and strong communication skills preferable.

For more information or to apply please see

Evaluation Specialist
Yale New Haven Health Office of Emergency Preparedness; New Haven, Connecticut

Bachelor’s degree in Business is preferred
3-5 years experience is required
Customer service skills are required

Providing training and evaluating programs are key to the success of the Office of Emergency Preparedness' efforts in meeting the goals and working collaboratively with hospitals, healthcare entities and instructor trainers across the state. Join the team of experts in Emergency Preparedness and use your excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal skills while working with clinicians, healthcare entities, and other instructors to create components of the training and evaluation, process measures, outcomes and reliability.

You will measure participant satisfaction, methods of training delivery, effectiveness, and overall assessment of courses, including measured competencies, evaluation of performance during drills and exercises and setting expectation standards.

For more information or to apply see

Network Development Specialists
Yale New Haven Health Office of Emergency Preparedness; San Mateo, California

Bachelors degree required
3-5 years experience is required

Join Yale New Haven Health Office of Emergency Preparedness Department's satellite California office assisting in the development, coordination, and management of network of programs for federal, state, private, and other entities to better prepare healthcare and other emergency management providers in their response to emergency management, terrorism preparedness and public health emergencies throughout the nation.

Working collaboratively with health systems, hospitals and other health care entities this opportunity provides the challenge of developing solutions to their preparedness needs in the areas of assessment, planning, education and training, and drills and exercise.

This position is grant funded and is coterminous with funding.    
Bachelors degree required. Three years experience in planning, project management or healthcare working with various types of healthcare professionals in different settings such as hospital, community, and government required as well as effective communication, administration, teaching, and personnel management skills. Demonstrated ability to organize, support, and motivate network partners and staff with familiarity with developing collaborative networks. Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, and be able to organize diverse groups and projects, and excellent word processing and Excel skills.

For more information or to apply see,

Emergency Management Officer
St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department; St. Charles County, Missouri

JOB DESCRIPTION: Coordinates Division vehicles for scheduled preventative maintenance and repairs as prescribed by Fleet Management. Maintains all vehicle records for the Division of Emergency Management. Operates, maintains, and repairs and/or coordinates repairs of Division’s resource equipment such as 25KVA trailer mounted Diesel generators, boats, marine resource equipment, search and rescue resource equipment, water pumps, chainsaws, outdoor warning siren batteries, etc. Transports and/or tows all resource equipment as required. Tracks Division’s resource inventory and supplies. Makes recommendation to Director on the disposal of Division assets as they become obsolete or unserviceable. Writes and updates procedures for the operations of resource equipment. Maintains appropriate operating and maintenance of equipment. Responsible for picking up parts, orders, equipment for the Division of Emergency Management and maintenance of equipment. Supports Logistics function in the office by finding and reporting new resources in various categories and NIMS resource types. Responsible for maintaining food and water supply at the Emergency Operations Center and Inclement Command Post during emergency activations. Replaces and/or changes outdoor warning siren batteries as needed. Plans resource responses and identifies hazard mitigation opportunities. Compiles information regarding community resources for entry into the Division resource database. Directs temporary workers, Division volunteers, and walk-in volunteers regarding resource deployment, and maintenance needs during major emergencies and disasters. Drives and maintains the Interagency Command Center, (Mobile Command Post) Coordinates National Safety Council CEVO II certified training for I.C.C. drivers and volunteers. Operates and tests communications equipment and public warning systems, including outdoor warning sirens, emergency alert system, cable television override, and Critical Facilities Warning System and warning point alert equipment. Performs Radiological Officer duties in cooperation with state and local authorities as needed. Trains staff, emergency response personnel, and volunteers in the fundamentals of radiological monitoring. Conducts certification classes in the Fundamentals of Radiological Monitoring. Performs field spotter functions during severe weather conditions. On-call 24 hours per day for emergencies or disasters. Performs other duties as assigned.

For more information or to apply see

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If you or your organization would like to add a job posting here in the DR, please feel free to e-mail the information to

Questions for the readership and contributions to this e-newsletter are encouraged. Questions and messages should be indicated as such and sent to