Number 629 • May 15, 2014 | Past Issues












Haitus Time: We Interrupt This DR for a Very Important Workshop

Ah, Spring, when a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of disasters…or something like that. Alfred Tennyson might not agree, but here at the Natural Hazards Center spring means we’re giving more thought than ever to the topic as we prepare for our Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. That, in turn, means DR must take a summer break.

We’ll be starting our traditional hiatus with this issue, which is light on news features but packed full of all the conferences, jobs, webinars, and callouts we want to tell you about before we return. You can look for us again on July 10 with DR 630 and all the latest in hazards and disaster news.

And for those of you that don’t want to miss a beat, we’ll still be shouting out on Twitter and Facebook. Give us a follow and keep in touch!

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The Latest Natural Hazards Observer Is Online

The latest edition of the Natural Hazards Observer is now available online. Featured articles from the May 2014 Observer include:

--It Isn’t Always Because of Climate Change
--Antarctica’s Glaciers Are Speeding Up
--Another Bird Flu Jumps the Species Barrier
--Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change

And don’t forget, for those of you who would rather get the print edition, we’re now able to offer readers an Observer subscription for only $15 per year. Those interested in subscribing can sign up on our subscription page using a credit card or be invoiced later.

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Call Outs: Calls for Papers, Abstracts, Proposals, and More

Call for Public Comments
2015-2018 National Health Security Strategy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Deadline: May 21, 2014
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is requesting public comments on its draft National Health Security Strategy for 2015-2018. The draft provides strategic direction for health security system in the United States and contains a vision, goal, guiding principles, strategic objectives, priorities, and implementation activities to enhance national health security. Comments on the draft’s focus, strategic direction, and activities are appreciated. To view the full text of the draft and submit comments, visit the Call for Public Comments page on the HHS Web site.


Call for Applications

Disaster and Risk in a Changing World
Beijing Normal University Summer Institute
Deadline: May 31, 2014
Beijing Normal University is accepting application for its Summer Institute for Disaster Risk and Research. This year’s institute will focus on disaster and risk in a changing world and be held from July 28 to August 8 in Beijing, China. Scholars with a strong interest in hazards and risk study and capacity building in China should apply. For more information on the Summer Institute program and how to apply, see the call for applications linked above.


Call for Applications

Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship
Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation and the US-China Earthquake Engineering Foundation 
Deadline: June 30, 2014
The Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation and the US-China Earthquake Engineering Foundation are accepting application for the 2014 Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship. Awards of $1,500 are available to students pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in earthquake engineering or a closely related field. For more information on the scholarship or to download an application, visit the scholarship Web site.

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Some New Web Resources

2014 America’s Most Endangered Rivers
The San Joaquin, the upper Colorado, and the middle Mississippi have been granted the dubious distinction by the nonprofit American Rivers of being this year’s three most endangered rivers in the United States. The conservation organization has monitored and reported on the state of U.S. rivers for 30 years. The report considers the significance of the rivers to humans, the magnitude of the threat, and the ability of the public to effect change in the coming year. Check out the report for a full list of rivers that are threatened—and what to do about it.


The CDC Climate Ready States and Cities Initiative
Experts have predicted the impacts of climate change will take a toll on human health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is doing something about it. This initiative, currently active in 16 states and 2 cities, uses atmospheric and epidemiological models to predict health impacts in an area, assess vulnerability, and then prepare for and respond to the effects of climate change. Visit the site for more on the CDC framework used in the initiative and to see the efforts of the cities and states currently participating in the program.


Directory of FEMA Earthquake Partners
If earthquakes are on your mind, you’ll want to tap into the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s extensive network of partners working and providing resources in the field. This freshly updated directory lists more than 300 organizations that can be of help in various ways, including providing information and helping promote awareness efforts.


Connecting America: Building Resilience with Social Media
This report is the result of efforts by the Center for National Policy to understand how to better promote resilience and what tools work best for helping Americans respond and adapt to natural disaster. The report finds that the values of resilience are easily communicated using social media and are closely aligned with group values of social media users. Authors recommend updating the Emergency Broadcast System, maintaining Social Media Emergency Operations Centers, and developing critical network notifications as ways to more fully envelop social media into emergency preparedness and response.


CIDRAP Resources on MERS-CoV
Now that the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, was found in the United States, interest in the latest coronavirus is bound to increase. Luckily, the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy has put together this useful collection of news and resources to keep us all in the know. The site features news stories, social media resources, and information from a variety of health organizations.

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Conferences and Events

[Below are some recent announcements received by the Natural Hazards Center. For a comprehensive list of upcoming hazards-related meetings, visit our Web site at]

June 4-6, 2014
Risk Analysis 2014
Wessex Institute
New Forest, United Kingdom
Cost and Registration: $1,218, open until filled
This conference will address research and practical applications related to risk management and hazard mitigation. Topics include early warning systems, risk mapping, health risks, debris flow, floods, evacuation simulations, vulnerability assessments, political and economic vulnerability, and climate change.


July 1-4, 2014
GI Forum Symposium
University of Salzberg
Salzberg, Austria
Cost and Registration: $355 before May 25, open until filled
This symposium focuses on geospatial innovations for society and examines new trends and developments in GIS technology. Topics include satellite imagery and flooding, criteria for GIS software, participatory mapping designs, urban mapping, GIS for public health, curriculum development, and mapping applications for youth.


July 21-25, 2014
National Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Anchorage, Alaska
Cost and Registration: $1,075 before May 15, open until filled
The conference will address the many aspects of earthquakes and their impact on society. Topics include the 1964 Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami, megadisasters, the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, resilient communities, planning for recovery, tsunami engineering, and subduction megaquakes.


August 16-21, 2014
World Weather Open Science Conference
World Meteorological Organization, International Council for Science, and others
Montreal, Canada
Cost and Registration: $550 before May 22, open until filled
This conference will examine societal vulnerability to extreme weather and assess breakthroughs in weather science. Topics include weather prediction, earth systems, communication, data assimilation, interactions between subsystems, weather-related hazards, hydrology, and radar observation.


September 21-25, 2014
Dam Safety 2014
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
San Diego, California
Cost and Registration: $900, open until filled
This conference address issues related to dam safety and technology transfer. Topics include California’s water supply system, runoff prediction, rapid drawdown analyses, dam failure, inundation modeling, dam removal, the 2013 Colorado Floods, federal guidelines for dam safety risk management, dam repair and improvements, seismic performance of levees, and seepage monitoring and instrumentation.

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Project Executive Assistant
Government of Samoa
Apia, Samoa
Salary: Not listed
Deadline: May 19, 2014

This position supports the Samoan Strengthening Multi-Sectoral Management Approach to Critical Landscapes Program. Duties include financial management of the program, procuring equipment and assets necessary to complete program goals, managing data and recruitment, and providing administrative report where necessary. Five years experience working on a project team, administrative experience, and knowledge of Samoa’s environment are required. Experience working with UNDP or another UN agency and a degree in public administration, political science, or social sciences is preferred.


Volunteer Agency Liaison, GS-12
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Bothell, Washington
Salary: $74,154 to $114,633
Deadline: May 23, 2014
This position serves as liaison to private nonprofit disaster relief organizations, faith-based organizations and state level coalitions of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters. Duties include initiating relationships and assisting states in coordinating volunteer agencies, providing technical advice on the roles and responsibilities of such agencies, and serving as a point of contact in emergency situations. One year of experience at the GS-11 level and experience coordinating volunteer organizations during disaster response or recovery are required.


Postdoctoral Researcher

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Office of Water and Air Quality
Silver Spring, Maryland
Salary: Not listed
Deadline: May 23, 2014

This position conducts research and makes recommendations on how social sciences can be integrated into meteorological policies and products in support of the Weather Ready Nation initiative. Duties include serving as a liaison between the meteorological community and disaster risk communication working groups, conducting interdisciplinary research to support the use of social sciences for a Weather Ready Nation, and providing recommendations on strengthening public policy. A PhD in a social science field, experience working in the context of high impact weather events, and public policy or risk communication background are required.


Research Applications Manager
Applied Technology Council
Redwood City, California
Salary: Not Listed
Deadline: June 30, 2014

This position leads the development of engineering tools and technology for multi-hazard risk mitigation. Duties include supervising project personnel, managing quality control procedures, developing technical proposals, and presenting project results at technical meetings and conferences. A Phd in civil or structural engineering and expertise in earthquake engineering, wind engineering, coastal inundation, fire effects, progressive collapse, or general structural engineering are required.


Public Assistance Engineer or Architect
Hagerty Consulting
Multiple locations
Salary: Not Listed
Deadline: Open until filled
These positions will provide technical support and expertise in recovery efforts. Duties include explaining regulation and policies of the FEMA Public Assistance program to stakeholders, performing field inspections of disaster damage, and developing a scope of work for repairs and estimating cost. Five year experience, ability to travel, knowledge of the FEMA Public assistance program, and a master’s in civil engineering or architecture is required.

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Webinars, Training, and Education

May 20, 2014, 1:30-3:00 p.m. EDT
National Landmarks at Risk: How Rising Seas, Floods, and Wildfires Are Threatening the United States’ Most Cherished Historic Sites
Environmental and Energy Study Institute and the Union of Concerned Scientists
Cost and Registration: Free, registration not required for Webcast

This webcast will highlight climate threats to iconic U.S. landmarks and historic sites and detail steps being taken to protect these national treasures. Thirty at-risk sites will be addressed. View the webcast live or attend in person at the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. RSVP is required for in-person attendance.


May 28, 2014, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Use of High-Strength Reinforcement in Earthquake Resistant Structures
Applied Technology Council
Cost and Registration: $150, open until filled
This webinar highlights findings and recommendations of a National Institute of Standards and Technology-funded project that examines mechanical properties for high-strength reinforcing steel, deformation capacity of reinforced concrete members, minimum depths of interior beam-column joints, potential cost savings, and other items. Recommended changes to codes to allow for the use of Grade 80 reinforcement in elements of the seismic-force-resisting system will be discussed.


June 3, 2014, 2:00 p.m. EDT
Extreme Weather: Best Practices in Preparation and Communication
Cost and Registration: Free, open until filled
This webinar will address best practices in disaster preparedness communication with an emphasis on organizational readiness. Risks to lives and property, business impacts, mitigating the impact of extreme weather, and assessing preparedness will be discussed.


Radiation Disaster Issues in Children: A Case-Based Approach
National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Cost and Registration: Free, open registration
This online lesson presents a scenario in which an improvised nuclear device is detonated in a medium-sized city. There are three pediatric case examples that highlight patient management. The lesson has a practical focus and raises awareness of Radiation Emergency Medical Management algorithms and other resources that can be used in patient management during and after a radiological disaster. No cost continuing health education credits are available.

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