Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Institute
of Behavioral Science University of Colorado

Special Publication 36

The Authors

Richard Stuart Olson is Professor of Political Science and We Will Rebuild (WWR) Foundation Chair-Professor at the International Hurricane Center at Florida International University in Miami.

Juan Pablo Sarmiento, a medical doctor, is International Resources Group, Inc. (IRG) Special Projects Officer for the U.S. Agency for Inter-national Development, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID-OFDA) and based in Bogotá, Colombia.

Robert A. Olson is President, Robert Olson Associates, in Folsom, California.

Vincent T. Gawronski is Adjunct Professor of Political Science and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the International Hurricane Center, Florida International University in Miami.

Amelia Estrada is a graduate student in the Latin America and Caribbean Center and a research assistant at the International Hurricane Center, Florida International University in Miami.

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