Bruce BaughmanBruce Baughman

For more than three decades, Bruce Baughman has served in key federal and state emergency management positions for some of the largest natural and man-made disasters ever to hit the United States and its territories, including 13 hurricanes, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He has testified before Congress on emergency management issues more than 25 times.

As director of the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, he led the state’s response to three hurricanes—Ivan in 2004, and Dennis and Katrina in 2005—and a deadly series of tornados in March of 2007. Prior to his appointment by the Governor of Alabama, Baughman held several key positions at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), including director of the Office of National Preparedness and Director of Operations. While at FEMA, he directed response operations for more than 110 presidential disaster and emergency declarations, including hurricanes, earthquakes, bombings, and flooding. He retired from the Department of Homeland Security as one of FEMA's top senior executives in 2003.

Baughman is the recipient of numerous national awards, including FEMA’s Distinguished Service Award, four FEMA Meritorious Service Awards, the National Hurricane Conference's Distinguished Service Award, and the President's Council on Year 2000 Gold Medal. He is a past president of the National Emergency Management Association.

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