Picture UnavailableLynn Highland

Lynn Highland is a Geographer, currently working as a member of the Geologic Hazards Team, U.S. Geological Survey, in Golden, Colorado.  She has an undergraduate degree in anthropology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins and a master's degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder in geography.

Highland has worked in the area of earthquake and landslide hazards for 30 years. Her experience at USGS includes everything from answering public inquiries about landslides to reconnaissance work and hazard response. She has worked with landslide events such as the Great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 in China, landslides induced by Hurricane Mitch in Central America, and small, regional debris flows in the canyons of Colorado.

Related Resources from Lynn Highland

The Landslide Handbook: A Guide to Understanding Landslides
USGS, 2008

“Riding the Storm: Landslide Danger in the San Francisco Bay Area”
DVD produced by the USGS

“Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States”
USGS, compiled by Jonathan W. Godt