Terry JeggleTerry Jeggle

Terry Jeggle has been engaged in international development, disaster management, hazard, and risk management work internationally for the past 40 years. He has worked with NGOs, training institutions, UN programs, and in professional advisory roles. Now he is a visiting scholar at the Center for Disaster Management at the University of Pittsburgh, involved with higher education networks and communities of practice in disaster risk reduction.

Jeggle started in emergency operations management in Asia and Africa with CARE. After 16 years, he moved into disaster and risk management training and policy review at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in Bangkok, Thailand, serving as executive director from 1992-95. Until January 2009, he was a senior advisor to UN IDNDR/ISDR organizations in areas of national policy and counterpart development, capacity development and training initiatives, partnership strategies for disaster reduction, program development and information management strategies.

He was a primary author and content editor of the UNISDR publication, “Living with Risk” (2004), editor of “Know Risk” (2005), and wrote the retrospective Yokohama review for the World Conference of Disaster Reduction in January 2005. He has worked and traveled in 60 countries and draws on professional contacts in more than 30 others. His current work revolves around the promotion of broader organizational and multidisciplinary networks, educational opportunities, and the associated engagement of professional collaborators from around the world.

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