Susanne JulSusanne Jul

Susanne Jul is an innovative and insightful designer of socio-technical systems with expertise in making individuals and organizations more effective by improving both technical and social design. She is especially talented at understanding how complex social and organizational factors affect individual performance and uses this understanding to design tactical reality to match strategic vision. Her primary focus is on information technology to support decision-making, cooperation, and collaboration in crisis response and management.

Jul has recently founded Amaryllis Consulting, LLC, dedicated to helping response and community agencies develop, adapt, and adopt cutting-edge information technologies for preparedness, response, and management. She integrates a professional background in software engineering, usability design, and requirements analysis with a research career in human-computer interaction and technology for disaster management. Her most recent project was designing SMS- and web-based group communication technologies for healthcare workers in rural Cambodia. Prior to the Cambodia project, she was a National Research Council Research Fellow at the Pacific Disaster Center in Hawaii.

In all her activities, Jul seeks to bridge research, industry, and practice. She is vice-chair of ISCRAM (the International Association for the Study of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management), and an active volunteer with American Red Cross Disaster Services.

Contact Susanne Jul