Samuel MusaSamuel Musa

Samuel Musa is a senior research fellow and homeland security science and technology chair at the Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University. Previously, he was associate vice president for strategic initiatives and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Northwestern. He was also center executive director at University of Michigan, corporate vice president for research at E-Systems, deputy director in the Office of Secretary of Defense, project leader at Institute for Defense Analyses and assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania.

Musa served on the Defense Intelligence Advisory Board, Army Science Board, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and the Defense Science Board, and was a member of Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee of the Director of Central Intelligence. He was a member of the board of directors of Semiconductor Research Corporation and chairman of AIA Technical and Operations Council. He served on the editorial advisory board of Journal of Electronic Defense, technical editor for Environmental Monitoring of International IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. He is a IEEE fellow and member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, and Pi Mu Epsilon.

Musa received his B.A. and B.S. in Electrical Engineering degrees from Rutgers University, and a master’s and PhD in Applied Physics from Harvard University.

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