Togu PardedeTogu Pardede

Togu Pardede works for BAPPENAS (Indonesian Office for State Planning & Development) and is currently is pursuing his PhD in the International Development & Regional Planning Unit (Onishi & Kidokoro Lab) of the Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo under a Japan International Cooperation Agency fellowship. He has a bachelor’s degree in city & regional planning from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1994) and a master’s in international development studies from the Graduate School of Policy Studies in Tokyo (2003).

Since joining BAPPENAS in 1996, Pardede has been in charge of coordinating urban development, spatial planning, and land management. However, after the Aceh’s tsunami on December 26, 2004, his works are intensively related to disaster management. He was involved in preparing the Master Plan/Blue Print of Aceh Reconstruction (2005), which was followed by BRR—the agency established to lead reconstruction following the tsunami. He was also involved in preparing and coordinating the action plans for the Alor post-earthquake recovery (2005) and Yogyakarta earthquake recovery (2006). Pardede participated in conducting damage and Loss assessment (using ECLAC method) in the Yogyakarta earthquake, the Sidoarjo-Hot Mud flood (2007), and the Jakarta flood (2007). He also took part in preparing the Indonesia National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2006-2009, following the Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015.

Contact Togu Pardede

Workshop Abstracts

Action Planning After Disaster: Learning from Village/Gampoong Planning in Aceh Reconstruction

Related Resources by Togu Pardede from the Natural Hazards Library Staff

Preliminary Damage and Loss Assessment: Yogyakarta and Central Java Natural Disaster