Joel SmithJoel Smith

Joel B. Smith, vice president with Stratus Consulting, has been analyzing climate change impacts and adaptation issues for over 20 years. He was a coordinating lead author for the synthesis chapter on climate change impacts for the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and was a lead author for the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report. Smith is a member of the National Academy of Sciences’ Panel on Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change.

Smith has provided technical advice, guidance, and training on assessing climate change impacts and adaptation for clients such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Country Studies Program, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, the Electric Power Research Institute, the National Commission on Energy Policy, the Center for Climate Strategies, the Rockefeller Foundation, and a number of states and municipalities in the U.S.

Smith worked for the EPA from 1984 to 1992, where he was the deputy director of the Climate Change Division. He is a coeditor of EPA’s Report to Congress: The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States, published in 1989. He has published more than thirty articles and chapters on climate change impacts and adaptation in peer-reviewed journals and books. Smith received a BA (magna cum laude) from Williams College in 1979, and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Michigan in 1982.

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