William TravisWilliam Travis

Bill Travis, formerly known as Bill Riebsame, is associate professor of geography at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research in the University’s Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES). He was the second director of CU’s Natural Hazards Center for eight years, from 1983 to 1991.

His teaching and research focus is on human behavior in the environment, including studies of the human dimensions of climate change, land use and natural hazards. His latest book, New Geographies of the American West, released in 2007, examines the driving forces and patterns of land use and development in the American West. His current projects examine social response to extreme climate change and the development of early warning systems for severe, abrupt climate change.

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Related Resources from Bill Travis

Severe Climate Change Going to Extremes: Propositions on the Social Response to Severe Climate Change
Climatic Change, forthcoming