Head ShotWilliam Waugh

William L. Waugh, Jr. is a professor of public administration and political science in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, Waugh teaches in the Executive Masters Program in Crisis and Emergency Management at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. 

He is the author of Living with Hazards, Dealing with Disasters (2000), Terrorism and Emergency Management (1990), and International Terrorism (1982); coauthor of State and Local Tax Policy (1995); editor of Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System After Hurricane Katrina (2006) and The Future of Emergency Management (2006); and co-editor of Emergency Management: Principles and Practice for Local Government, 2nd Edition (2007), Disaster Management in the US and Canada (1996), Cities and Disaster (1990), and Handbook of Emergency Management (1990), as well as the author of over a hundred articles and chapters published in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.  He is a principal investigator for the Center for Natural Disasters, Coastal Infrastructure, and Emergency Management, the newest DHS Center of Excellence, based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of Emergency Management, a member of the Emergency Management Accreditation Program Commission, and on the advisory board for the US State Department’s Senior Crisis Management Seminar for foreign officials at American University. He has been a consultant to government agencies, NGOs, and the media on emergency management and leadership development.

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