Plenary: The Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquakes of September 2010 and February 2011

Tue. 2:00-3:30 p.m., Interlocken A/B

Plenary sessions at the 2011 Natural Hazards Workshop focus on earthquakes and earthquake sequences in three different societies, each of which presents distinct challenges. The city of Christchurch, New Zealand, has experienced four significant earthquakes in ten months: a magnitude 7.0 on Sept. 3, 2010; a 6.1 on Feb. 21, 2011, that resulted in approximately 180 deaths; and a 5.2 and 6.0 on June 13, 2011. These earthquakes—which occurred in an area not considered highly vulnerable—have extensively damaged the business district and residential areas and raised significant questions about disaster response, recovery, and reconstruction. How will New Zealand as a society cope with these multiple social and economic shocks? Speakers from New Zealand and the United States will discuss the impacts of these events, as well as reconstruction and recovery challenges.

Dennis Mileti Dennis Mileti, Moderator
University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center


David Johnston David Johnston, Panelist
Massey University/GNS Science Joint Centre for Disaster Research

Lori PeekLori Peek, Panelist
Colorado State University


PanelistRichard Smith, Panelist
New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management