Head ShotJames Kendra

James Kendra is an associate professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration and director of the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware. Previously he was coordinator of the Emergency Administration and Planning Program in the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas.

His research focuses on individual and organizational responses to risk, improvisation and creativity during crisis, post-disaster shelter and housing, and planning for behavioral health services. Projects have included research on the reestablishment of New York City’s emergency operations center after the 9/11 attacks, a major study of the waterborne evacuation of Manhattan on 9/11, research on the social impacts of the Indian Ocean tsunami, and research on the organization of disaster behavioral health services.

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Workshop Abstracts

The Emergency Managers: A Profession on the Edge

Challenges for Unconventional Response Agencies in Serving Haitian Earthquake Survivors: The Needs in NIMS Training and Practices

Role of NGOs in Assisting Post-Earthquake Haitian "Invacuees" to the United States: Compensating or Complementing?