Head ShotJim Murphy

Jim Murphy has 37 years of corporate and project management experience, including 33 years as a consultant to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Emergency Management Agency, including providing dam and levee policy recommendations related to risk and mitigation.

Murphy is currently serving as Vice-Chairman for the DHS Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council subcommittee on dams and levee. He has worked with the USACE as a reviewer for the recommendations of the National Committee on Levee Safety. He is also on the American Society of Civil Engineers committee that is developing the "Infrastructure Report Card" to provide Congress with the status of the nation's infrastructure (including dam and levees). He also recently been appointed to Public Policy Committee on America's Infrastructure.

Murphy assisted in developing recommendations on how to address levee issues including the creation of the new levee inventory and database that is now used by both the USACE and FEMA. He was and member of the FEMA interagency policy review committee to address The National Levee Challenge and assisted with FEMA's new Levee Analysis and Mapping Process. He also worked on the development of the Code of Federal Regulations 65.10, defining the engineering and other requirements for levee certification.

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