Head ShotLaura Stough

Laura Stough is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Interdisciplinary Training Coordinator at the Center for Disability and Development at Texas A&M University. She also is a Faculty Fellow at the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University. Stough’s research explores inequities in the provision of social and educational services to individuals with disabilities. Her primary area of research is on the effects of disasters on individuals with disabilities and their families. Stough currently directs Project REDD: Research and Education on Disability and Disaster and has received funding from federal, state, and national organizations to conduct research and evaluation studies in the area of disaster and disability.

Stough regularly conducts workshops and trainings to emergency management and voluntary disaster agencies on the needs of people with disabilities and their families, including the National Hurricane Conference, the Texas Homeland Security Conference, and at the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Conference. Along with her research team, she recently developed the Mobile TIPS for First Responders, which is a no-cost mobile application of over 4000 resources for first responders and volunteers assisting individuals with disabilities during disasters. Dr. Stough has extensive experience in project management, and has directed over 25 funded projects worth over $3.5 million dollars over the last 12 years. During 2005, while on sabbatical from TAMU, Dr. Stough volunteered as a Peace Corps Volunteer to participate full-time in the disaster response to Hurricane Katrina.

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Related Resources from Laura Stough

Disaster Case Management and Individuals with Disabilities
With Amy N. Sharp, Curt Decker, and Nachama Wilker
Rehabilitation Psychology
, 2010