Head ShotStacia Sydoriak

Stacia Sydoriak is a research assistant at the Center for Disaster and Risk Analysis. She received her B.A. from Washington and Jefferson College in Psychology and Sociology in 2007. Stacia is a second year M.A. student in the Sociology Department at Colorado State University. She is also pursuing a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies at CSU. Her current research, funded by the Harriet Patsy Boyer Memorial Award, examines inequality within communities in the Yucatan Peninsula,where devastation from Hurricane Wilma negatively impacted the tourist industry and local economy in 2005. Stacia is a member and a volunteer for the Gender and Disaster Resilience Alliance, and is working with other members to improve and expand the organization. She has also assisted her colleagues who are involved with the Global Earthquake Model and GeoHazards International-funded project regarding earthquake risk communication.

In the future, she hopes to undertake an analysis of the social and health implications surrounding hydraulic fracturing in rural Pennsylvania. In general, Stacia is interested in intersectional social justice, or the way in which race, gender and class impact social relations and access to resources in society, particularly in times of crisis.

Contact Stacia Sydoriak