Public Alert and Warning Messages for Mobile Devices

Mon. 4:00-5:30 p.m., Interlocken B

Public alert and warning messages are critical to inform the public about threats and motivate them to take protective action. Although much has been learned about full-text public warning messages, less is known about how to write effective short messages for mobile devices. This knowledge gap is further complicated by lack of understanding of the role text messages play in modern public warning systems. This panel will review research on mobile device messaging as a strategy to reach members of the public, alerting them to imminent impacts, and directing them to full-text protective action messages.

Panel members are part of a U.S. Department of Homeland Security-funded project to determine the content and form of varied-length warning messages to be distributed using new and emerging technologies. The project's findings, an overview of special considerations for optimizing mobile alert and warning messages, and the future of public alerts via web 2.0 and social media will be discussed.

Panelist Denis Gusty, Moderator
U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Panelist Michele Wood, Panelist
California State University Fullerton


Panelist Hamilton Bean, Panelist
University of Colorado Denver


PanelistStephanie Madden, Panelist


PanelistJeannette Sutton, Panelist
University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Organizer: Michele Wood, California State University Fullerton