Planning for Postdisaster Redevelopment

Friday, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Interlocken A

After disaster, communities are determining that it makes sense to rebuild safely and wisely. Planning for this postdisaster recovery is essential. A postdisaster redevelopment plan, according to the State of Florida, identifies policies, operational strategies, and roles and responsibilities to implement the community's previously-identified growth management and hazard mitigation goals within the process of long-term recovery and reconstruction. This session will discuss postdisaster redevelopment planning and other strategies for safe, effective, and sustainable rebuilding.

Darrin Punchard Darrin Punchard, Moderator


Allison Boyd Allison Boyd, Panelist
CSA Planning


Ed ThomasEdward Thomas, Panelist
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.


Sudha ArlikattiSudha Arlikatti, Panelist
University of North Texas