Sudha ArlikattiSudha Arlikatti

Sudha Arlikatti is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas in Denton. She has an undergraduate degree in architecture and a graduate degree in city planning from her home country of India. She worked as an architectural consultant for eight years and as a lecturer in the Sultanate of Oman and India before getting a doctoral degree in urban and regional science from the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University in 2006. Her research to date includes studies on the use of geographic information systems to map environmental disputes; a study of Texas Gulf Coast residents and their accuracy in using hurricane risk area maps to evacuate; households’ decision to take protective actions against seismic risks in Southern California and western Washington; and, more recently, the challenges of long-term recovery and rebuilding of tsunami-affected rural households in coastal India.

Arlikatti has published in premier disaster journals including Risk Analysis, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Earthquake Spectra, Environmental Management, and Environmental Behavior. She teaches in the undergraduate Emergency Administration and Planning program and the Master of Public Administration program at the University of North Texas. Courses include Introduction to Emergency Management, Disaster Response and Recovery, International Disaster Management—Study Abroad in Turkey/ Thailand, Special Populations in Disasters, Introduction to Planning, and Environmental Planning and Hazards Management.

Contact Sudha Arlikatti

Workshop Abstracts

Gender and Disaster Network

Building Back Better a Myth or Reality? Longitudinal Study of Post-Tsunami Housing Recovery in Nagapattinam, India

Role of Government Interventions in Disaster-Related Mental Health Recovery: Longitudinal Study in Tsunami-Affected Communities in Southern India