Mark BenthienMark Benthien

Mark Benthien is the director for communication, education, and outreach for the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), which is headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC). He received a bachelor’s in geophysics from the University of California Los Angeles in 1995 and a Master of Public Policy from USC in 2003.

Benthien communicates earthquake knowledge to increase earthquake awareness, reduce economic losses, and save lives. Included in these communications activities are:

—Coordinating interactions between SCEC scientists and its partners in science, engineering, risk management, government, business, and education
—Managing activities that increase earthquake knowledge and science literacy for all educational levels
—Leading efforts to improve earthquake hazard and risk assessments
—Promoting earthquake preparedness, mitigation, and planning for response and recovery

Many of these efforts are coordinated with members of the Earthquake Country Alliance—a private-public partnership of organizations that provide earthquake information and services—for which Benthien is executive director.

Contact Mark Benthien

More by Mark Benthien from the Natural Hazards Library Staff

L.A.'s Puente Hills earthquake: One Week Later
Natural Hazards Observer' "Disasters Waiting to Happen" series

Earthquake Shaking —Finding the "Hotspots”
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey